sb117611 (sb117611)
2016-01-13 23:36:05http://mojang.com/2016/01/minecraft-snapshot-16w02a/
A new year has started and it’s time to celebrate it with a new Minecraft
snapshot. The list of things we want to finish before the 1.9 release is
getting shorter, more bugs are getting fixed, fewer new bugs are getting
Thanks to everyone who is reporting bugs, testing the snapshots and sending
us feedback our changes. You are all helping to make 1.9 awesome.
Notable changes:
Fixed more bugs
Less rendering issues with glow effects
More balancing of the combat related mechanics
Tamed artificial enderdragons
Changed everything, then changed it back
Bugs fixed in this snapshot:
[Bug MC-779] - Mobs are displayed outside of their spawner
[Bug MC-1072] - No Translation for “Air” in the superflat customization
[Bug MC-14722] - Social Zombies not affected by /gamerule doMobSpawning
[Bug MC-23952] - Bad alignment when using wide unicode fonts
[Bug MC-44140] - Acacia and Dark Oak Stairs do not burn and cannot be lit
with flint and steel
[Bug MC-44280] - Eggs and Snowballs fired from dispensers don’t
knockback mobs, but they do when thrown by the player or a snow golem.
[Bug MC-46258] - “ø” Character Has an Extra Pixel
[Bug MC-46690] - Items in inventory upon death in gamemode 3
[Bug MC-47941] - Creepers flash white when exploding
[Bug MC-59196] - Players can tick themselves arbitrarily
[Bug MC-60692] - gamemode selector m doesn’t work with negation
[Bug MC-63714] - Zombie Pigmen get angry when hit in creative
[Bug MC-69038] - /help in a command block shows /effect syntax
[Bug MC-71006] - Minecart with Hopper and Minecart with Chest’s GUIs’
name is Minecart.
[Bug MC-73304] - Scoreboard teamkill.”color” Is not registering entities
`錏 [Bug MC-74072] - Unicode Character “Small H with Stroke” (One P吊ox나_