Google’s upcoming Nexus 9 tablet, made by HTC, could launch earlier than expe
cted, according to one reliable tipster — which means Android L could make it
s public debut early, too. Recent reports have promised an unveiling during th
e second week of October, but we may not have to wait that long.
谷歌將推出,由HTC代工的nexus 9平板可能比預期早推出:這也表示Android L可能提早亮
Codenamed the “HTC T1” internally, and previously thought to be the Nexus 8,
the exciting new tablet “will be released before Oct. 9,” @upleaks tweeted
earlier today. Another launch date hasn’t yet been revealed, and it’s unclea
r why Google and HTC have brought the announcement forward, but it’s good new
s for those of us who are eagerly awaiting this device.
這款內部代號htc T1,先前被認為是nexus 8的平板將在十月九日前發表,upleaks今日於推
According to recent reports, the Nexus 9 will be well worth the wait. In addit
ion to a 9-inch Quad HD display, the device is expected to come with a 64-bit
NVIDIA Tegra K1 processor, 4GB of RAM, an 8-megapixel rear-facing camera, and
NFC connectivity.
根據近來報導,該平板為9吋QHD display,64-bit版Tegra K1,4G ram,8百萬畫素相機,NFC
It’s is also likely to be the first device with Android L, so the sooner we s
ee the Nexus 9, the sooner we see Android L’s public release. That doesn’t n
ecessarily mean it will come to other Nexus devices at the same time, but thos
e releases certainly won’t be far behind.
該平板可能是第一個搭載android L的裝置,也就是說nexus 9越早現身,我們越早可看到An
droid L發表;儘管其他nexus裝置不見得同時可用Android L,不過也不會等太久
Google has traditionally rolled out major Android updates in late October — a
longside the new Nexus 7 last year, and the Nexus 4 the year before. Its bigge
st rival, iOS 8, is due in mid-September, with new iPads soon after. It’s pos
sible Google may have brought its own release forward to get its products to m
arket before Apple does.
谷歌之前都在十月底推出重大Android更新,像去年跟新nexus 7,前年跟nexus 4一起出現;
Android最大對手iOS 8將在九月中,新ipad前現身,谷歌可能提前發表其產品,以便趕在蘋
64-bit K1+4g ram+Android L的nexus平板,好期待,HTC要起飛了嗎?HTC做的平板值得買嗎