Q: Pixel 2 的系統會佔用多大空間?
Hmm, that one I'm not so sure on, since the OS tends to vary depending on device and version.
Currently, Android 8.0 tends to take up about 6GB, give or take, so I wouldn't expect it to diverge too much from that.
意思是Android 8.0一般差不多6GB,但一切還是看情況,應該不會差太多
Q: 可以eSIM和nano雙門號待機嗎?
Well, to answer your question, when you insert a physical SIM, it supersedes the eSIM, meaning that you can only use one at a time.
Although I suppose theoretically you could have then eSIM set up, and then pop out the physical one when you want to use it, but that's not quite what you were saying.
The intention is that it's one at a time.
Q: 無限空間的有效期?
So, there's an expiry date to being able to upload pictures in original quality.
It's in 2021