SkyPlus (Sky)
2022-06-08 09:25:11※ 引述《diablo4 (暗黑破壞神4代)》之銘言:
: 1.原文連結:https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aopl/202206070403.aspx
: 2.原文標題:歐盟充電線規格統一採Type C 蘋果將受打擊
: 3.原文來源(媒體/作者):中央社布魯塞爾7日綜合外電報導
: 4.原文內容:
: (中央社布魯塞爾7日綜合外電報導)歐洲聯盟(EU)成員國和歐洲議會今天就歐盟銷售
: 智慧型手機和平板電腦統一充電器規格的法律文本達成協議,這對蘋果公司(Apple)將
: 是一大打擊。
Will the proposal be an obstacle to innovation?
At the same time, the implementation of any new standards in
further revisions of Radio Equipment Directive would need to be
developed in a harmonised manner, respecting the objectives of
full interoperability. Industry is therefore expected to continue
the work already undertaken on the standardised interface, led by
the USB-IF organisation, in view of developing new interoperable,
open and non-controversial solutions.
如果未來新的標準可以達到: 互通性,和諧(harmonised) 的話,
也可以被歐盟認可,因此未來業界應該在 USB-IF 之下發展