Stern’s Will
Well, I’m sure everyone knows by now that the Hated Lakers pulled off
another improbable victory over the Spurs (who laid an egg for us… thanks
for nothing Pop).
恩 我很確定各位都知道,恐怖湖人又對馬刺完成一次困難的勝利
(這真讓人高興不起來 謝謝養生波波)
Now our path to the postseason will require all but a miracle of our own,
especially since we’re going against the one who likes playing god with his
favorite teams in this league.
How about a few stats I stumbled upon while scouring the internets:
Lakers Average FT attempts: 27
Jazz average FT attempts: 22
Difference: 5 FT attempts
爵士本季平均罰球 22
差異 5
Fair enough. Not too surprising. But let’s look at the last five games
during this “playoff push”, shall we?
Lakers FT attempts: 31.4
Jazz FT attempts: 13.4
difference: 18 FT attempts
夠公平了 並不是很令人驚訝 不過讓我們來看看 最近五場為了季後賽掙扎的比賽 如何?
湖人平均罰球 31.4
爵士平均罰球 13.4
兩者相差 18罰
Maybe a little suspicious, but let’s look a little deeper:
Compared to opponent in last 5 games:
Lakers: +12.6 ft attempts
Jazz: -8.4 ft attempts
difference vs. opponent: 21 FT attempts
That’s where it starts to become ridiculous.
有些可疑 不過讓我們看得更深入一點吧
湖人 比對手多了12.6 罰球
爵士 比對手少8.4罰球
兩者與對手罰球差的差異為 21顆罰球
Now, over the last 10 games, the Lakers have recorded a +13.5 margin on free
throw attempts per game, 161% higher than their average — an increase of
+5.1 free throw attempts per game over their opponent on average.
過去十場比賽裡 湖人每場比賽裡破紀錄似的增加了13.5顆罰球的幅度
足足比他們的平均高出了161% 而面對他們的對手 則平均增加了5.1罰球
Over that same period, the free throw rate for the Jazz has dropped from -1.0
attempts per game to -4.7 attempts per game. That’s 470% worse than their
season average, 3.7 fewer attempts per game than opponents.
在同一時間呢 爵士的罰球則是從-1.0下降到-4.7
與他們的對手相差的罰球數 他們平均每場比賽少了3.7顆罰球
The Lakers’ FTA margin has increased 161% and Utah’s decreased -470%, just
over the last 10 games. If there’s not some outside influence there, it
would have to be some coincidence.
湖人的罰球增幅增加了161% 而爵士少了470% 這只不過是過去十場的事情
如果沒有一些外在因素影響的話 那大概就是同時發生的巧合吧
Not that I’m trying to apologize for the Jazz underachieving, (likely)
non-playoff result for the season.
But seriously. Screw you, Stern.
只是說真的 去你的(凸) 史騰