Re: [Live] LeBron James MVP Presentation Today

作者: oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)   2013-05-06 06:57:47
"It's probably a writer out of New York that didn't give me the vote,"
James said during Sunday's award ceremony at AmericanAirlines Arena.
"I know the history between the Heat and the Knicks. So I get it."
LeBron James 說, 大概是某個紐約的體育作家沒投給我...我瞭了.
記錄顯示, Melo 今天的比賽一共打鐵了 18 球,
而 Lebron James 共打鐵了 22 球...
不過 James 22 鐵的母數範圍是到目前為止整個季後賽所有的比賽..
作者: theskyofblue (天空藍)   2013-05-06 07:33:00
可能就跟當年投AI不投俠客的原因一樣吧 不可取代性
作者: theskyofblue (天空藍)   2013-05-06 07:34:00
作者: theskyofblue (天空藍)   2013-05-06 07:36:00
作者: ianpanda0406 (鍵盤小咖哩)   2013-05-06 08:27:00
瓜瓜季後賽累積117鐵了! 鍛造之神啊(跪

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