skymay (隨遇而安)
2013-06-24 11:19:36LBJ也在推特做出了澄清
Danny Green did not party with us on Thursday night. He came to say congrats
and I told him how proud of him I was for taking advantage.....
full advantage of the opportunity he was giving and keep going. We dapped up,
showed love and he left. #StopBelievingAllYouHear
LeBron推特表示:「Danny Green沒有在周四晚上和我們一起開派對,他只是過來說
他抓住他所得到的機會,然後繼續前進。 我們只是擁抱致意,
※ 引述《littlefriend (2266)》之銘言:
: 真相是(from Danny Green's twitter)
: https://twitter.com/DGreen_14/status/348175120101146624
: Got give credit to Miami...but don't think for one sec I was out celebrating
: with them...jus happened to be at the same place, wrong time
: Green:的確要讚賞一下熱火隊,但是想都別想我會跟他們一起慶功
: 我只是不巧在同個時間跟他們去到了同一個夜店
: 媒體就是喜歡興風作浪
: ※ 引述《Phater (肥特)》之銘言:
: : Danny Green made an appearance at the Heat’s championship celebration
: : http://tinyurl.com/mpkkj4z
: : 在第七戰後,Danny Green如願的參加了冠軍慶功宴