Source :
Buss: 'Dwight Didn't Want To Play With Kobe For 2-3 More Years'
Jim Buss admitted Dwight Howard let the Los Angeles Lakers know that he did
not want to play with Kobe Bryant for multiple years, if the All-Star center
elected to re-sign with them.
Jim Buss坦承Dwight Howard之所以離開洛杉機湖人最大的原因就是Dwight不願意
在和Kobe Bryant同隊打球。
"Dwight didn't want to play with Kobe for 2-3 more years," Buss said. "I'm
going to stand behind Kobe because of his history with the franchise."
Buss表示: "Dwight向他說他不願意在和Kobe再打2-3年的球。不過關於這個問題
Howard also reportedly was adamant he did not want to play for Mike D'Antoni.
同時間也有消息指出Dwight Howard也不願意在為Mike D'Antoni打球。
Howard signed a four-year deal with the Houston Rockets in free agency.
短評 : Kobe,你贏了!!