mrkey (è·é›¢å¤ªé æ€å¿µå¤ªè¿‘)
2013-11-06 04:39:35http://nba.si.com/2013/11/05/michael-redd-retirement-bucks/
Michael Redd, 2000 年代前幾名的左手射手
今天宣布退休. 34 歲的 Redd, 在 Bucks 時代, 從 01-02 某場對上 Rockets
的比賽創下單節 (Q4) 投進八顆三分後 (NBA 紀錄) 聲名大噪, 03-09 六個球季
每年都拿下單場平均超過 21 分的成績.
09 後因為膝蓋 ACL, MCL 受傷後出賽大幅不穩定, 最後一次出賽是在 2012 替 Suns
Redd 將會在明天 Bucks 主場對上 Cavs 的比賽中和球迷說再見.
Former All-Star, U.S. Olympian Michael Redd to announce retirement
Former All-Star shooting guard and U.S. Olympic team member Michael Redd will
officially announce his retirement from the NBA during an appearance at
Milwaukee’s home game against Cleveland on Wednesday, the Bucks announced.
Redd, the 43rd pick in the 2000 draft, spent 12 seasons in the NBA, the first
11 with the Bucks and the last one, in 2011-12, with the Suns. Before knee
injuries plagued him late in his career, Redd was known for his scoring
prowess and the quick release on his left-handed jump shot. Redd was so well
regarded as a shooter that he earned a roster spot with Team USA at the 2008
Beijing Olympics, where he averaged 3.1 points and 9.1 minutes during the
gold-medal run.
The 34-year-old Redd averaged 19 points (tops in his class) and shot 38
percent from three-point range for his career. He set an NBA record for
three-pointers in a quarter when he made eight in the fourth period against
Houston on Feb. 20, 2002, and his 57-point performance against Utah on Nov.
11, 2006, is a Bucks record. Redd is Milwaukee’s No. 4 scorer all time.