tryit03 (Allen)
2014-02-10 17:48:59原文網址:http://ppt.cc/QQZQ
Blake Griffin Smacks Justin Bieber At Hollywood Starbucks
NBA, News by IamShado
Justin Bieber simply can’t seem to keep himself out of trouble.
Police were dispatched this morning to respond to an altercation at a
Starbucks in West Hollywood involving some familiar faces.
A barista at the coffee house was apparently confronted by Bieber when he
refused to serve the pop star because he wasn’t wearing a shirt.
“He came in with no shirt on and his pants hanging down and underwear
showing and tried to order a caramel apple machiatto.”, said Joey Goldsmith,
the Starbucks barista, “I just told him he would have to put a shirt on if
he wanted to order.”
That’s when Bieber snapped.
According to the police report Bieber started cussing at the barista and
threatening to have his bodyguard, “kick his ass”.
Fortunately for Goldsmith, LA Clippers star Blake Griffin had been enjoying a
drink at a table when he witnessed the altercation and stepped in.
Witnesses at the scene reported that Griffin tried to calm Bieber but the
Biebs wasn’t having any of it. There was more yelling, and some pushing and
that’s when Griffin smacked Bieber, knocking him to the floor.
“He smacked the shit out of him” said one witness, “then I saw Justin
stumble out of the door looking like he was crying.”
Bieber was gone before police arrived at the scene.
看起來好像是真的耶 小賈斯汀 K O 爽
※ 引述《xuljpvu (爸 媽飛起來了)》之銘言:
: 在美國的咖啡廳,喝咖啡是一種生活享受,而且是個高貴優雅的休閒娛樂!
: 今天在加州西好萊塢地區的一間星巴克中,小賈斯汀Justin Bieber也在現場點咖啡,但咖啡師認為他
: 「衣衫不整」的說:「我只是勸他說,如果要點咖啡至少要穿上衣服,給他一點尊重!不
: 過他沒穿上衣而且褲子還掉了一半...」;小賈斯汀Justin Bieber便開始暴怒,並吩咐保
: 鏢揍那位星巴克咖啡師!
: 這時剛好旁邊有一桌就坐著NBA洛杉磯快艇隊的球星Blake Griffin,球場上沒幾個人敢招
: 惹他,私底下更是如此!目擊整個過程的「給力芬」開始介入勸阻,但Justin Bieber小
: 賈斯汀仍然狂妄叫囂,影響店內所有享受美好時光的人,所以「給力芬」二話不說就把小
: 賈揍趴在地上,給他冷靜一下!
: 現場有位目擊者說:「小賈斯汀被揍趴後,就蹣跚的走掉!而且他好像哭了......」小賈
: 準備要離開時,警察正好趕到現場。
: 心得:死好!!!
: 新聞連結:http://www.juksy.com/?f=2&id=29798