Re: [討論] 歷史上有名的大前鋒

作者: sacramento (海膽)   2014-02-19 18:36:19
推 Dirk0001 :webber是大前鋒界的性侵代表 12/02 09:29
→ Dirk0001 :webber是大前鋒界裡的強暴犯代表 02/19 17:12
結果勒 關鍵字:「webber 性侵」下去沒有找到相關資料
所以我更決定要找資料給他看看 請他不要躲在推文裡面信口雌黃了
Monday, August 3, 2009
From the archives: The greatest champion for the falsely accused condemns
calculating women who lie about rape
The Washington Times
When the rape rap is phony
August 10, 1994
Page: A14
Byline: By Alan Dershowitz
In Detroit recently, Derrick Coleman, Chris Webber and Jalen Rose were all
accused of sexual assault. The accusations made major headlines since all
three are basketball stars. Smaller stories have now disclosed that all
charges have been dropped against the ballplayers. In the Coleman case, the
prosecutor announced that no charges would be brought because DNA testing of
semen taken from the woman and her clothing "showed conclusively that Coleman
was not the source." The exotic dancer who filed that sexual assault
complaint against Webber and Rose recanted the charges and admitted she made
up the whole thing.
These cases are but the tip of a large iceberg of false accusations of rape
made by women for personal gain. A scholarly article, recently published in
the Archives of Sexual Behavior by a Purdue University sociologist, reported
on a nine-year study conducted in a small metropolitan area and additional
studies conducted in two large universities. The data show that more than 40
percent of the forcible rape complaints turn out to be "false." The
definition of false as used in the study is, "t he intentional reporting of a
forcible rape by an alleged victim when no rape has occurred." Indeed, it
includes only cases in which the complainant herself "admitted they are
In about half of the false charges, the complainant was using the rape charge
as an "alibi" - to avoid the consequences of a consensual sex act. A typical
example is a young unmarried woman who had consensual sex with her boyfriend
and was afraid she had become pregnant. She then claimed that she had been
raped by a stranger. In another quarter of the false cases, "revenge" was the
purpose. For example, a 16-year-old fabricated a charge of rape against her
boyfriend when she discovered he had been going out with someone else. In 18
percent of the cases, the false charge was an attempt to get attention or
sympathy. For example, a 40-year-old woman cried rape in an effort to seek
attention and sympathy from her post-divorce counselor because she "liked
The university studies showed similar results, both in terms of numbers of
false reports and reasons. Indeed the author of the report concludes that the
methodology "leaves us with a certain confidence that cases declared false by
this police agency are indeed a reasonable, if not a minimal, reflection of
false rape allegations made to this agency." The report also expresses
confidence in the university data since the taking of the complaint and the
follow-up investigation was the exclusive responsibility of a ranking female
officer and no complaint was declared false "without a recantation of the
Although it is dangerous to generalize from a small number of studies, these
results have been corroborated by others. For example, back in 1987, New York
sex prosecutor Linda Fairstein told an interviewer that "there are about
4,000 reports of rape each year in Manhattan. Of these, about half simply did
not happen." In her 1993 book, "Sexual Violence: Our War Against Rape," Ms.
Fairstein dramatically lowered this figure to 5 percent without explanation.
The FBI reports that approximately 8 percent of rape cases are "unfounded."
According to the Purdue report, "Some feminists virtually deny the existence
of false rape accusation and believe that concept itself constitutes
discriminatory harassment towards women."
But objective data show that the problem of false rape reports is a serious
one, and that the percentage of false reports in rape cases is considerably
higher than the percentage of false reports for other violent felonies. One
reason for this disparity is that the police rarely prosecute women who
deliberately file false rape reports. Indeed, even the identity of such false
accusers is often kept secret.
Richard Padzieski, the head of operations for the Detroit prosecutor's
office, told my assistant that although there is a statute punishing the
false reporting of felonies, his office has no current intention of
prosecuting the two women who falsely accused the basketball players. Indeed
Mr. Padzieski, who has been with the office for 29 years, does not remember a
single case in which the district attorney brought charges for a false rape
No wonder Derrick Coleman is angry. I hope he and the other ballplayers - as
well as all victims of the serious crime of being falsely accused of rape -
take whatever legal recourse is available to them, including pressing
criminal charges and bringing civil suits where the facts warrant such
action. The time has come to stop patronizing calculating women who use rape
accusations to serve their own selfish interests. Women who deliberately bear
false witness hurt not only the men they falsel y accuse, but the many women
who are true victims of the unspeakable crime of rape.
Alan Dershowitz, a professor at Harvard Law School, is a nationally
syndicated columnist.
對了 在進入本篇文章之前先提醒各位
Webber的所謂sexual assult(即性侵)案件最後是獲得不起訴處分的!
不存在的暫停、冠軍被弄掉、Fab Five榮譽被註銷

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