Pop named one of world’s best leaders by Fortune
Pop 躋身財富雜誌「世界領袖五十強」
Posted on March 27, 2014 at 1:45 am
by Dan McCarney|blog.mysanantonio.com
What do Pope Francis, Bono, the Dalai Lama and Gregg Popovich have in common?
They’re among the world’s greatest leaders as rated by Fortune magazine.
Popovich shared the 20th spot on a list of 50 alongside a pair of college
coaches, Duke’s Mike Krzyzewski and Dawn Staley of South Carolina. They are
the highest-rated coaches, and trail only New York Yankees shortstop Derek
Jeter (No. 11) among all sports figures on a list including financial giants,
business tycoons and political leaders.
甘冒保守派大不諱也不願論斷同性戀的方濟教宗(Pope Francis),多年來為消除窮國