[情報] 溜馬用Hibbert等報價Dragic被太陽拒絕

作者: dh127 (dh127)   2014-08-10 10:38:26
Dragic: The Phoenix will not accept offers of Indiana
Beyond the puddles Dragic in the last days mentioned as a possible
reinforcement of Indiana. The latter is the severe damage Paula George, which
will be released (at least) the greater part of the season, started looking
for players who would have been able to make up for the loss of the best
player Pacers. Among other things, the Phoenix for Dragic offered Roy Hibbert
and Chris Copeland. "And some money," said Dragic, who he's interest in
Indiana, a transfer from probably nothing will: "According to my information,
in Phoenix say they will not accept the offer."

作者: GordnHayward (GordonHayward)   2014-08-10 14:31:00

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