Nash 的臉書
I definitely don't want to be a distraction, but I felt it best everyone
heard from me in my own words.
I have a ton of miles on my back. Three buldging disks (a tear in one),
stenosis of the nerve route and spondylolisthesis. I suffer from sciatica and
after games I often can't sit in the car on the drive home, which has made
for some interesting rides. Most nights I'm bothered by severe cramping in
both calves while I sleep, a result of the same damn nerve routes, and the
list goes on somewhat comically. That's what you deserve for playing over
1,300 NBA games. By no means do I tell you this for sympathy - especially
since I see these ailments as badges of honor - but maybe I can bring some
然而 或許現在我能讓這些事情變得明朗
I've always been one of the hardest workers in the game and I say that at the
risk of what it assumes. The past 2 years I've worked like a dog to not only
overcome these setbacks but to find the form that could lift up and inspire
the fans in LA as my last chapter. Obviously it's been a disaster on both
fronts but I've never worked harder, sacrificed more or faced such a
difficult challenge mentally and emotionally.
我一直是比賽中最努力的球員之一 而這就是所承擔的風險
顯然 後來事情的發展對雙方來說都是個災難
但我確實竭盡所能的犧牲奉獻 來面對這樣在精神和情緒上的艱難挑戰
I understand why some fans are disappointed. I haven't been able to play a
lot of games or at the level we all wanted. Unfortunately that's a part of
pro sports that happens every year on every team. I wish desperately it was
different. I want to play more than anything in the world. I've lost an
incredible amount of sleep over this disappointment.
我們都希望我有能力打許多場比賽 或是有合格的表現 但我現在不能
很不幸的在職業運動裡 這樣的事情每一年 每一隻隊伍都會發生
我是如此急迫的希望這是不同的 我比世界上任何人事物都想要打球
在這樣的沮喪中 我嚴重的失眠
Competitiveness, professionalism, naiveté and hope that at some point I'd
turn a corner has kept me fighting to get back. As our legendary trainer Gary
Vitti, who is a close friend, told me, 'You're the last to know' - and my
back has shown me the forecast over the past 18-20 months. To ignore it any
longer is irresponsible. But that doesn't mean that life stops.
保持 競爭力 專業性 天真
然後希望在某個時間點事情會突然好轉的想法 支撐著我為了回去而奮鬥
就像我們傳奇的訓練師 同時也是我的好友 Gary Vitti 所說
This may be hard for people to understand unless you've played NBA
basketball, but there is an incredible difference between this game and
swinging a golf club, hiking, even hitting a tennis ball or playing
basketball at the park. Fortunately those other activities aren't
debilitating, but playing an NBA game usually puts me out a couple of weeks.
Once you're asked to accelerate and decelerate with Steph Curry and Kyrie
Irving it is a completely different demand.
但打NBA和揮高爾夫球竿 爬山 甚至是打網球 在公園打籃球是天差地遠的不同
但一場NBA等級的比賽 常常讓我元氣大傷好幾周
一旦你被要求與Steph Curry 和 Kyrie Irving在場上加速減速
I'm doing what I've always done which is share a bit of my off-court life in
the same way everyone else does. Going forward I hope we all can refocus our
energies on getting behind these Lakers. This team will be back and Staples
will be rocking.
我在做的事情 其實一直以來都佔據我非比賽時光的一部分 就像其他人會做的一樣