CBS Sports
Ken Berger 2015/5/13
At the annual meeting of NBA general managers Wednesday in Chicago, there was
no overwhelming consensus to change the rules to discourage teams from
intentionally fouling poor free-throw shooters, league sources told
聯盟人士告訴CBSSports.com在週三的NBA年度總管會議裡, 對於更變規則以阻止對罰球
不佳的球員犯規, 他們並沒有全面性的共識.
"There is not enough support to change it," one executive in the meeting
said. "It's one of those perception is bigger than reality issues."
"沒有足夠的支持以改變這點(規則)," 會議裡的一位總管這麼說. "
League officials presented data on intentional fouling that strongly
suggested the problem is an isolated one, despite all the attention it has
gotten during the postseason. According to the data shared with GMs at the
meeting, 76 percent of the intentional fouls this season