djviva (時鼠無奈)
2015-06-03 15:41:23How do the Cavaliers defend Stephen Curry? http://tinyurl.com/pwpwlcb
騎士要怎樣防守MVP Curry呢?
In each three of their playoff series so far, the Cavaliers allowed more
points from a point guard than anyone else. Isaiah Thomas, Derrick Rose and
Jeff Teague have all bested their season scoring averages against Cleveland.
騎士先前在東區的三個系列賽, 每一個都讓對方的控衛拿最多分: I湯, Rose跟Teague,
Now, the Cavaliers face the NBA’s best point guard and reigning MVP –
Stephen Curry – in the NBA Finals.
現在總冠軍賽騎士面對的是NBA第一控, 也是現任MVP的Curry
How will they slow him down?
“The same way you slow me down,” LeBron James said. “You can’t.”
喇叭詹說:"就像你沒辦法讓我慢下來一樣, Curry也是沒法讓他慢下來的
At least Warriors have several defenders to throw at LeBron – Harrison
Barnes, Draymond Green, Andre Iguodala. Cleveland’s roster isn’t nearly as
well-suited to contain Curry.
勇士至少有幾個可以去防守喇叭詹的人, 像是Barnes, 追夢綠, 小AI, 但騎士這邊卻沒
Kyrie Irving said he’d start games on Curry. That’s no easy task for
healthy Irving, but Curry can absolutely exploit a hobbled Irving with screen
after screen on and off the ball.
Irving說他會上場去防Curry, 對健康時的Irving就已經不是個簡單的事情, Curry絕對
能靠著一次次的擋拆, 在不是100%狀態的Irving身上獲得許多優勢
Iman Shumpert is the Cavaliers’ best bet on Curry – for both his on-ball
perimeter defense and ability to switch on pick-and-rolls. His length can
prevent Curry the sliver of space he needs to shoot, and he’s strong enough
to handle bigs.
對騎士來說用Shumpert去守Curry或許是最好的選擇, 因為他的半場防守跟對擋拆後換人
防守做的不錯, 他防守Curry有著身材上的優勢, 擋拆後面對大個子時他也算夠壯
But if Shumpert is on Curry, where does Cleveland hide Irving? Klay Thompson
would drag Irving all around the court off the ball, and Harrison Barnes
would punish him inside. Remove Irving entirely, and the Cavaliers’ offense
但如果真是由Shumpert來守Curry, 那Irving要放在哪個點呢? K湯的無球跑動會拉著他
一起滿場亂竄, 接著讓Barnes在內線擊潰他; 把Irving整個移出陣容? 那騎士的攻擊會
It’s much easier to play Irving when a Golden State reserve – Andre
Iguodala , Shaun Livingston or Leandro Barbosa – is in the game. But
Livingston can post up Irving, Barbosa can blow by him, and Iguodala can
shoot 3s over him. Irving defending a taller, but stationary, Iguodala is
probably the lesser of all evils.
比較簡單使用Irving的方式, 就是讓他在勇士替補像是小AI/Livingston/百步殺上來時
上場, 但Livingston會對他低位背打, 百步殺會射爆他, 小AI在Irving的矮小防守下可
以輕鬆射三分....但三權相害取其輕的考量下, Irving守小AI應該會比較沒那麼慘
Matthew Dellavedova will also get his turns on Curry. Dellavedova has played
good defense throughout the playoffs, but a larger sample raises concerns.
Dellavedova will work hard on that end, fighting through screens and getting
physical, but his limited athleticism reduces his effectiveness. Curry should
eat Dellavedova alive in transition – an area of particular concern for
王牌殺手 - Dellavedova也會有機會去守Curry, 這次季後賽中他的防守有多好大家都
知道, 但出賽多了後他的防守顯露出了隱憂, Della雖然在防守端上很努力, 面對擋拆
時也不畏懼身體碰撞, 可是天生運動能力的不足降低了他的防守效率, 在攻防轉換時
Curry將可以完全的幹掉他, 這恰巧是騎士最擔心的點
in this chess match, the Cavaliers should consider whom Curry guards on the
other end. Cleveland cross-matching (relative to the defensive matchups
Golden State sets) would make it easier for Curry to lose his man on
fastbreaks. The Golden State point guard is a terror in transition, hunting
open 3s.
布局盤算時, 騎士應該去想當自己進攻時, Curry會來守誰呢? 騎士面對勇士的防守跑
出cross match時, 會讓Curry在快攻時甩開防守他的人更容易些, 攻防轉換時的Curry
是最致命的武器, 因為他很常藉此機會找到空檔砍三分
Not that he’s easy to stop in halfcourt, either.
Curry doesn’t need much space to shoot, which makes switching on
pick-and-rolls an ideal strategy – when possible. Tristan Thompson can
probably handle it. Timofey Mozgov probably can’t. LeBron can. Shumpert
probably can. Irving probably can’t. Dellavedova might.
因為Curry只需要一小縫空間就能出手, 這讓擋拆成了他最理想的戰術, 以騎士的陣容
來細看, 或許能處理好勇士檔拆的: TT, LBJ, Shumpert, Della; 應該辦不到的: Moz
That leaves few workable switching combinations – Shumpert-Thompson,
Shumpert-LeBron, LeBron-Thompson. At least – if Thompson primarily guards
Green and Shumpert primarily guards Curry – Cleveland can switch on Golden
State’s favored Curry-Green pick-and-roll.
這樣子我們大概知道該怎麼安排防守擋拆的組合了, 分別是Shumpert跟TT, Shumpert跟
LBJ, 以及LBJ跟TT. 如果TT主要去守追夢綠而Shumpert主要去守Curry, 那騎士就可以
When Andrew Bogut (guarded by Mozgov) sets a ball screen, the Cavaliers might
favor the more conservative approach they’ve shown the second half the
season. Curry’s man will try to force him inside the arc, where Mozgov will
back off and protect the paint. Curry can drain long 2s, but forcing him into
that shot, is a relative win.
如果Moz防守的Bogut跑出來做擋拆, 那騎士應該會像下半季那樣的爽, 守Curry的人會把
Curry逼在三分線內, 此時Mozgov向後退去保護禁區, 那麼Curry就只能投遠距離的兩分
球, 能逼著他一直做這個的話, 相對來說就是成功
LeBron will also have turns in the Curry pick-and-rolls. If Cleveland tries
hiding Irving on Barnes or Iguodala, that puts LeBron on Green. So do
Cleveland’s small lineups – at least when the Warriors don’t counter with
Green at center, which they very well could do.
LBJ也有機會去守要打擋拆時的Curry, 如果騎士讓Irving去守Barnes或小AI的話, LBJ就
會去守追夢綠, 至少在勇士沒讓追夢綠去扛中鋒時, 騎士是很可能擺出這樣的小陣容的
Long story short, LeBron will be involved in Cleveland’s defense of Curry.
LeBron might even directly guard Curry for stretches.
長話短說, LBJ將會是騎士去守Curry的一步棋, 或許就直接讓他去守Curry了
The Cavaliers – especially with LeBron on him – might even try trapping to
keep Curry off balance. Curry is a good enough ball-handler and passer to
beat those traps, and the Warriors’ other players pass well, which would
keep a short-handed defense underneath scrambling.
騎士或許還會去設陷阱讓Curry失去平衡, 特別是當LBJ防守Curry的時候, 但Curry那極
出色的控球與傳球技巧將能擊潰那些陷阱, 其他的勇士球員也都傳的很好, 這些都將讓
But at least Cleveland has options for defending Curry. Maybe none of them
work, but at least there are options.
起碼騎士還是派的出人去防守Curry的, 即使這些人都防不了, 但志在防守不在成功咩
In the regular season, the Cavaliers were pretty middling defending point
guards. Per 82games, Cleveland was nearly average by both efficiency and
volume against opposing point guards:
本季常規賽裡, 騎士防守對方控衛的效率約在中段班, 請大家點開連結的圖就能看到,
對於對手控衛的效率跟得分數值, 騎士都真的是中段班水準
But as the playoffs have shown, Cleveland is vulnerable here.
但季後賽一開打, 騎士這數據就崩潰了
It seemed Teague in particular should have attacked the Cavaliers more. He
often found success when he did.
Curry presents a far greater challenge.
所以現在面前的Curry, 對騎士來說看來更可怕啊
Look for the Cavaliers to keep Irving on Curry as much as possible. That
might be an infinitesimal amount, but the more they can, the better.
所以騎士極其希望Irving能盡可能的防守住Curry, 雖然這或許是不太可能的事, 但總是
有做有希望, 沒做錯咧蛋, 不是嗎?
Shumpert is the most obvious candidate to do the heavy lifting once Irving
falters. LeBron would do well too, but in anything more than limited
stretches, the job gets too taxing for him – especially considering his
heavy offensive burden.
如果Irving守不住, 那Shumpert就是接下來最可能上來扛賽的人選, 當然喇叭詹也在扛
賽的名單內, 但考量到進攻時他是陣中最需要的火力, 所以沒到絕路時還是別輕易讓他
The Warriors will drag Mozgov into pick-and-rolls, which he can handle OK,
but not as well as Thompson. That might tempt Cleveland to go small more
often, which might push Golden State to play small, too. The Warriors’ small
lineups are dangerous, but at least they offer a place for Irving to hide on
勇士也會把Mozgov扯進擋拆戰術裡, 這對K湯的發揮很有利, 而這將會迫使騎士更常擺上
小陣容來讓勇士也跟著以小陣容應戰, 雖然勇士的小陣容殺傷力很大, 但至少這陣容能
The Cavaliers plan for containing Curry will trickle down into many other
decisions for both teams, but the Cavaliers’ challenge starts there.
騎士對於限制住Curry的計劃, 對兩隊來說都有著許多牽一髮動全身的影響, 但這就是騎
It’s a big one.
大大大大大, 大大