Chicago Bulls star Derrick Rose on Thursday denied allegations that he
sexually assaulted an ex-girlfriend in Aug. 2013, saying in a statement
issued to USA TODAY Sports that he is innocent.
“I am just focusing on staying healthy and getting ready for the season,”
Rose said in the statement. “I am not going to comment other than to say –
I know the truth, and am confident I will be proven innocent.”
公牛巨星Derrick Rose駁斥有關於他在2013性侵前女友的指控, 在他本人給US TODAY的
聲明稿中, 他宣稱自己是清白的.
"我現在專注在保持身體健康, 然後為這一季準備好," Rose在聲明稿中說道. "我不會對
其它的事做評論, 我只想說我自己知道真相, 而且我有自信我會被證明是清白的."
We just learned about this matter and do not know all the facts. It would be
inappropriate to comment further.
"我們才剛知曉這件事, 我們不知道所有事實, 所以再做評論會不太妥當."