When asked to name the worst dresser or most disgusting teammate of his
career during a media-day appearance on 106.7 The Fan, Dudley didn't hesitate
to answer.
當Jared Dudley被電台問到誰是他遇過最噁的隊友時
Dudley毫不猶豫的說出Adam Morrison的名字
"Adam Morrison," he said, via the Washington Post's Dan Steinberg.
Remember Adam Morrison? He never took showers, he did the chewing tobacco
that he spit all the time, and he wore the same three polos the whole year.
This is a guy who made a lot of money, too, at that time. He was the face of
diabetes, he was doing everything, he was on the cover of college games, he
was [everywhere], and he was by far the worst and [most] disgusting.
還記得Adam Morrison嗎? 他從來不洗澡!
Gerald Wallace apparently had to force Morrison to take a shower once,
according to Dudley.
"Had to force him," Dudley said. "Imagine that. Imagine forcing a grown man
to take a shower. He should be ashamed of himself."
"你能想像嗎? 你能想像強迫一個成人去洗澡嗎?"