z088229 (Ricky)
2015-10-02 09:54:24消息來源:http://tinyurl.com/nzjdm46
-Carmelo Anthony said the New York Knicks will compete for a championship
this year, according to ESPN's Ian Begley. The Knicks finished with a 17-65
record last season.
安東尼(Carmelo Anthony)表示今年紐約尼克將會爭奪總冠軍,去年尼克的
-The Los Angeles Lakers are the favorite to land Thunder forward Kevin
Durant if he leaves Oklahoma City in free agency next off-season, according
to ESPN's Stephen A. Smith.
當雷帝杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)成為自由球員時洛杉磯湖人隊會是他最想去的球隊
-Houston Rockets point guard Ty Lawson took several verbal jabs at Warriors
point guard Stephen Curry in an interview with Yahoo! Sports' Adrian
Wojnarowski. Lawson said Curry was “just chillin’” on defense last year.
休士頓火箭隊控球後衛勞伸(Ty Lawson)在雅虎運動的採訪使用了嘴砲攻擊勇士隊控球
後衛史蒂芬柯瑞(Stephen Curry)。勞神表示柯瑞去年在防守端根本「就只是在爽」。
-The Denver Nuggets have signed forward Mike Miller to a one-year contract.
丹佛金塊隊簽了前鋒麥克米勒(Mike Miller)的一年合約。
-LeBron James said the Cleveland Cavaliers will feature power forward Kevin
Love more prominently on offense this season, ESPN's Dave McMenamin reports.
王姆斯(LeBron James)表示克里芙蘭騎士隊在這個賽季會有更兇猛的拉福(Kevin Love
-The Washington Wizards unveiled new "Baltimore Pride" uniforms.
華盛頓巫師隊公開了新的「巴爾的摩驕傲(Baltimore Pride)」球衣。