[情報] Wade傳出有可能跳進自由市場試水溫

作者: ralph1120 (阿源仔)   2016-06-29 10:42:24
原文 http://goo.gl/B4Q6wA
Dwyane Wade's initial contract discussions with the Miami Heat have not
produced a common ground between the parties, and he is preparing to field
outside offers when free agency opens Friday, according to league sources.
Sources told ESPN.com that Wade's representatives have made it known to
multiple teams over the last several days that he will be on the market. Some
teams have been skeptical, wondering if Wade would seriously consider leaving
the franchise where he has played 13 seasons and won three titles.
The Heat and Wade had several contentious weeks last year before they agreed
on a one-year, $20 million deal for this past season.
Wade, 34, played in 74 games, his most in five years, and averaged 19 points,
4.1 rebounds and 4.6 assists in what was seen as a strong indication he had
moved past the knee issues that had plagued him for several years.
At the end of the season, Wade said he hoped negotiations with the Heat would
go more smoothly this summer.
"I hope that everything is quiet and works out the way I want it to," Wade
said. "But I have no control over that, as much as people might think. It's a
lot of moving parts in free agency. I'm not worried about it."
The Heat currently have around $40 million in cap space and have nine free
agents, including Wade, Hassan Whiteside and Luol Deng.
They are one of the six teams to have a confirmed meeting with Kevin Durant
once free agency begins. This has led the team to attempt to keep maximum
flexibility as they head into July.
In addition to gauging Durant's interest, Miami has to manage the Chris Bosh
situation as his status heading into next season is undetermined. Bosh's
season was cut short for the second year in a row because of health concerns
stemming from a blood clot issue.
據消息指出 Wade和熱火的談判一直沒有進展
但有些球隊認為Wade轉隊的機率不太高 抱著懷疑的態度
去年Wade才和熱火隊談判很長的時間 簽下了一年兩千萬的短約高薪
不過Wade本人表示 希望能夠盡快解決掉合約的問題
他也希望能留在熱火隊退休 這支目前他奪過三冠的球隊(意思是請開大約???)
Wade去年打了74場例行賽 19分 4.1籃板 4.6助攻 狀況是近年來最好的一季
熱火今年成為自由身的有不少球員 包括Wade 滷蛋 白邊
不過滷蛋之前一直希望能待在熱火 他很喜歡這裡的環境
白邊則是希望有錢 但他也不排除續留下來(之前的新聞說的)
至於KD 熱火有可能會先為他留下薪資空間
結論:熱火要是留下原班人馬(BOSH健康) 其實還能在東區一搏
作者: katanakiller (管他去死)   2016-06-29 10:49:00
Bosh還是退休吧 該重建了 給wade3000W致敬一下老大
作者: momowawa1981 (只剩刻骨銘心)   2016-06-29 10:50:00
乾 我湖的白邊。。。
作者: h22212247888 (哲偉)   2016-06-29 10:53:00
卡Bosh薪資 留Wade或簽人選一個 要不就直接重建吧
作者: Heimdallwind (Hermes)   2016-06-29 11:01:00
34了 哪天突然被時間或傷病找上快速退化 更沒本錢要養老約 如果養老約真的拿不到 那去找姆斯再拼個冠軍吧
作者: sinon2mayday (公館金城武)   2016-06-29 11:10:00
作者: Heimdallwind (Hermes)   2016-06-29 11:12:00
有抓雞和兩位新人在 給wade養老約熱火也未必會淪落到湖人這三年的境地 何況湖人這三年的慘澹是ㄧ連串操作失敗的結果
作者: SledgeHammer (Vecel)   2016-06-29 17:14:00

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