rondo 說跟球隊領導有關的話都是聽聽就好
※ 引述《rudy0115 (魯迪)》之銘言:
: 早上起床看見Rondo貼上了這張塞隊的照片
: 很好奇就自己翻譯來看了
: 我知道版上已經有人Po了
: 但是這篇文章我認為完整翻譯別具意義
: 以下是小弟所做之翻譯
: 第一次翻,如有錯誤煩請告知
: Vets = veterans 老將
: "My vets would never go to the media," Rondo wrote in the caption. "They would come to the team. My vets didn't pick and choose when they wanted to bring it. They brought it every time they stepped in the gym whether it was practice or a game. They didn't take days off.
: 我的老將們不會把問題帶給媒體,
: 沒有其他選擇,當他們想要說,
: 他們會把話帶進體育館,
: 無論練習或比賽,幾乎不休息。
: "My vets didn't care about their numbers. My vets played for the team. When we lost, they wouldn't blame us. They took responsibility and got in the gym. They showed the young guys what it meant to work. Even in Boston when we had the best record in the league, if we lost a game, you could hear a pin drop on the bus. They showed us the seriousness of the game.
: 我的老將們不關心數據,
: 我的老將們為球隊打球,
: 他們不會責怪我們,他們承擔責任,
: 他們向我們證明練習的意義,
: 即使我們在波士頓擁有全聯盟最好的戰績,
: 當我們輸掉比賽,
: 巴士上連根針掉落的聲音都聽得到,
: 他們向我們說明球賽有多嚴肅。
: "My vets didn't have an influence on the coaching staff. They couldn't change the plan because it didn't work for them. I played under one of the greatest coaches, and he held everyone accountable. It takes 1-15 to win. When you isolate everyone, you can't win consistently. I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a bad teammate. My goal is to pass what I learned along. The young guys work. They show up. They don't deserve blame. If anything is questionable, it's the leadership."
: 我的老將們不會干涉教練的決定,
: 他們沒辦法變更球隊計畫,
: 因為那不是他們的工作,
: 我為最偉大的教練之一打球,
: 他對每個人負責,
: 他需要1-15位球員去贏球,
: 當你孤立每個人的時候,那就無法持續的贏,我可能有很多是非,但我不是個壞的隊友,
: 我的目標是透過我所學,幫助年輕人成長,
: 讓他們表現,他們不該被指責,
: 當有什麼事情出了問題,那是領導者的責任。
: 他該死的聰明,我任何方面都在他之下