※ 引述《dragon803 (wet)》之銘言:
: Andrew Bogut suffered a left leg injury and will not return tonight - underg
: ng X-rays & evaluation; update expected postgame.
: Andrew Bogut左大腿受傷,本場不會回歸,後續會照X光檢查
: 另外這是剛剛Bogut進休息室時說的
: Andrew Bogut said "I think I broke it," referring to his left leg. At this t
: e it is not know the severity of his injury.
: 「我認為他斷了」,Bogut談他的傷
: 受傷影片:https://youtu.be/G8j0ay9X9GQ
: http://i.imgur.com/agzmRXb.jpg
: http://i.imgur.com/2kbwBbb.jpg
Initial x-rays and evaluation on Andrew Bogut revealed fractured left tibia; w
as taken to Cleveland Clinic for further imaging & evaluation.
X光檢查結果顯示Andrew Bogut出現了脛骨骨折的傷勢
這個傷近年過去Kobe Bryant跟Thabo Sefolosha都有過這個傷勢