Re: [花邊] 獨行俠已經原諒小喬丹

作者: jardon (綜合水果汁武士)   2018-06-24 12:55:15
Part of the forgiveness is simply a matter of time healing wounds. In recent d
ays, we’ve already seen one of the grandest “hug it outs” in franchise hist
ory as Mavs owner Mark Cuban participated in a make-up session with agent Bill
Duffy, an organizational nemesis for a decade-and-a-half, the result of Duffy
guiding Steve Nash away from the Mavs and to the Suns. The fact that this tim
e around, Duffy was, sources tell me, a key participant in the NBA Draft night
swap that brought his client Luka Doncic to Dallas via a trade with Atlanta,
is a miracle of sorts. If the Mavs can reunite with Duffy, they can certainly
do so with Jordan — who happens to be repped by agent Jeff Schwartz, who unli
ke Duffy has always been very Mavs-friendly. – via 247Sports
庫班跟Bill Duffy和解了,而且Duffy在077交易中幫了不少忙,所以如果都能跟Duffy好
作者: anderson1979 (spurs win)   2018-06-24 13:34:00
作者: alicelee1218 (蛋)   2018-06-24 13:45:00

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