來源: The New York Times
網址: https://tinyurl.com/ycf9ruak
Who’s to Blame for the Jimmy Butler Trade Mess?
Jimmy Butler交易一團亂到底是誰的錯?
by Marc Stein
Every delicious curiosity the N.B.A. can conceivably dish at the start of the
season is being swallowed up by one nagging question: When will the Minnesota
Timberwolves trade Jimmy Butler?
Answer: Not until the Minnesota owner Glen Taylor finds the gumption to
override his own legendary indecisiveness and go through with a deal when a
perfectly good one presents itself.
答案:那得要等到灰狼老闆Glen Taylor找到他的智商,克服他眾所皆知的優柔寡斷,然後
I reported last Wednesday that the Wolves and the Miami Heat had progressed
to an advanced stage of negotiations before the talks were derailed when
Minnesota tried to tweak the trade construction. On Sunday morning, ESPN
reported that it happened again — after the parties got so deep into trade
discussions that the teams had exchanged medical information for the players