Re: [外絮] 他們會矢志不渝的擁護你

作者: andygreen (小綠)   2019-01-24 20:11:30
2016年與當年的新秀薩波Domantas Sabonis 一起被交易去雷霆,背了龜殼一整年,悶的
They’ll embrace you like no other.
We’ll embrace you like no other.
※ 引述《dermer (der毛)》之銘言:
: 剛剛看到有人已經PO了,但自己花了很久時間翻譯實在是不想這樣浪費。
: 自己是印大畢業的老人,看到這篇文章非常的有感觸,讀著讀著眼眶也有一點紅了。
: 他們會矢志不渝的擁護你 by Victor Oladipo
: They’ll Embrace You Like No Other by Victor Oladipo
: You know something’s when your mom is calling you by your full name.
: 當媽媽叫你全名的時候,你就知道大事不妙了
: “Victor, what is going on?”
: “Victor,到底是怎麼回事?”
: “I don’t know, Ma, I really don’t”
: “媽,我不知道,我是真的不知道”
: It was last June. I had just landed in Baltimore from OKC and my phone went
: crazy when I turned it on. I knew the Pacers trade was real, but seeing it
: everywhere online really made it set in. Even the positive comments were
: getting under my skin. I was sitting there like, do they mean “locker room
: guy” as a compliment?
: 還記得那是六月底,我剛從俄城落地巴爾的摩,手機就一直響個不停。我知道自己被交

: 到了遛馬,但直到我開始閱讀網路上的文章,這件事才漸漸有了真實感。就算是那些還

: 正面的評論對我來說都份外尖銳….. 說我是“休息室開心果”究竟是褒是貶?
: You know, you always hear the expression about sports being a business. But
: ’s also life. I’d been through a trade less than a year before that, from
: Orlando, and so in that moment it was hard not to take it personal — two
: teams for whatever reasons seemed like they’d given up on me. That’ll hurt
: your feelings, doesn’t matter who you are or how much you believe in
: yourself. So when my mom was wondering why teams kept moving me … I didn’t
: really know what to say. I couldn’t just tell her it was a “basketball
: decision.”
: 我相信所有人都聽過那句名言:體育不過是生意場…. 但同時它也是我生活的全部。不

: 一年之前我才剛剛被奧蘭多魔術交易,當下我很難冷靜看待再度被交易這件事… 在不

: 一年內,兩隻球隊因為不具名的理由放棄了我。無論你對自己是多有信心,任何人在這

: 狀況下都會深受打擊。所以當媽媽開始問我為什麼兩隻球隊都不要我了,我啞口無言。

: 不知道該說什麼。我不想告訴他這只是另一個“生意場”決定。
: Doma was my next text. Had to be. Doma is Domantas Sabonis. That’s my guy.
: He was really the only person who was going to understand.
: 這之後我簡訊了多瑪,也只能是多瑪。多瑪是我兄弟Domantas Sabonis的小名,我想現

: 這個時候只有他能夠真正了解我的感受。
: We’d done this before. Doma was in the trade to the Pacers with me, but we

: d also been together since pretty much the moment he got drafted by the Magi
: in 2016. We got traded together to OKC. Now to Indy. So I knew Doma wouldn’
: want me to sugarcoat anything, but I had to check in with him — let him kno
: what I was thinking. I texted him what I knew was true:
: 我們早就一起經歷過風浪。多瑪和我都在這場交易中被送到了遛馬,但自從他於2016年

: 魔術選到的那一刻,我們就被綁在一起了。這之後我們一起被從魔術交易到了雷霆,現

: 又從雷霆來到遛馬。我知道多瑪不需要我太美化這整件事,但是我必須讓他知道我的想

: ,我簡訊他:
: “I promise, if you win here in Indiana, they’ll embrace you like no other.

: “我保證,只要你在印第安納贏球,他們會矢志不渝的擁護你”
: I felt a little better right away. I called my mom back and told her
: everything was going to be all right. I really believed it, too. I couldn’t
: have told you exactly how it was gonna work out or how we’d get there, but
: knew. I just knew. Because I knew that not every trade is the same, just lik
: not every state is the same.
: 送出這封簡訊後,我馬上感覺舒服了一點。我給我媽打了一通電話,告訴她我會好好的

: 我是真的這麼認為,我也如此相信著。我不確定接下來事情會如何發展,但我知道,我

: 是知道:沒有任何一場交易是相同的,就像沒有一個地方能和印第安納州一樣。
: And I knew this wasn’t just any trade. It was the Pacers. It was Indiana,
: and I knew Indiana.
: 我知道這不只是一場普通的交易。我來到的是遛馬。我來到的是印第安納,我最熟悉的

: 個印第安納。
: I wasn’t going to just another team. I was coming home.
: 我不是被交易到了另一隻陌生的球隊,我回家了。
: Jed Jacobsohn/The Players' Tribune
: I got to Bloomington, Indiana in 2010. Coming out of high school in Maryland
: I chose Indiana because of the program’s history, but really I had no idea
: how serious people in Indiana took basketball. I think even right now very
: few people outside of Indiana recognize how much basketball means to the
: state. There’s a basketball hoop in every driveway. It’s all Hoosiers and
: Pacers flags. And a big high school game pretty much shuts an entire
: community down.
: 我在2010年來到印州的布魯明頓(印第安納大學的主校區),身為一個馬里蘭出身的高

: 生,我因為印大豐富的籃球歷史而選擇了這間學校,但其實我完全不知道印州州民竟然

: 如此的看重籃球這件事。就算是現在,很多外州的人也並不了解籃球在印第安納有著多

: 重要的地位。每個家庭的車道幾乎都有籃筐,每個房子上都插著印大山地人(印大籃球

: 隊名)或是遛馬隊的旗幟。一場重要的高中籃球比賽就足以讓整座城市癱瘓。
: And when you’re on the IU team, they know. Like, they really make a point t
: get to know you.
: 而當你是印大籃球隊的一員時,你更是轟動全州的風雲人物,人人都會想方設法得認識

: 。
: But it was funny, nobody knew how to pronounce my name when I first got to
: Indiana. I remember the first week of classes freshman year, I had to go
: through the same conversation with every teacher.
: 但好笑的是,當我初來乍到印大時,沒人知道我名字的正確發音。我記得我大一第一周

: 課時,我必須教我每一堂課的老師如何正確發我名字的音:
: Oh-la-DIppo, Oh-la-DYE-poe, Oh-la-PEE-do. And every variation in between.
: “奧啦睇波”,“歐啦呆波”,“歐啦屁杜”,其他更是不勝枚舉。
: “Ohhh. Oh-la-DEE-poe.”
: “哦哦哦哦,原來是歐拉迪波啊!”
: Other than that, my name didn’t get said very much by anybody freshman year
: When I arrived on campus in the summer — they had just opened up Cook Hall
: — I was getting shots up in the gym by myself when this dude on his way out
: stopped to talk to me. Didn’t know who he was. It was late at night so I
: worried I wasn’t supposed to be in there.
: 除此之外,在我大一那年,我的名字並沒有被很多人提起。當我在2010年暑假第一次來

: 校區時,Cook hall才剛剛落成(Cook hall是印大籃球隊的訓練基地),我正準備到館

: 做自主投籃訓練。這時一個哥們兒正好從裡面走出來,打量了一下我並開始和我聊天。

: 不知道他是誰,我只是有點擔心是不是訓練館要關門了所以有人要趕我走。
: “What are you doing here so late?”
: “你這麼晚來這裡幹嘛啊?”
: “Gotta be in here every night if I want to play in the NBA.”
: “如果想打NBA的話,我必須每晚都這樣訓練”
: That’s what I told him.
: 我這樣告訴他
: “Man,” he shook his head. “NBA? You got a long way to go.” And then he
: kept shaking his head and just walked out!
: “兄弟”,他搖了搖頭,“想打NBA? 你的路還遠著呢” 然後他就這樣一邊搖頭一邊走

: 了訓練館。
: But for real, I had some confidence issues early on. I remember even months
: after that, when I had been training all summer, on the first day of practic
: Verdell Jones came in and tore me apart. He scored on me at will, and I coul
: ’t get anything going on him offensively. I sat down on the bench after
: practice in shock. I had tears in my eyes, literally. I had worked hard all
: offseason, and it looked like it was all for nothing.
: 但說真的,我一開始的確是有一些信心問題。記得在那之後幾個月,我經歷了一整個暑

: 的精實訓練後,卻在球隊開訓的第一天被Verdell Jones(印大當時的主力得分後衛,

: 學畢業之後沒有進入NBA,現在在日本打球)完完全全的摧毀殆盡。他盡情的在我頭上

: 分,而我在進攻上完全嘗不到一點甜頭。訓練結束後我呆坐在板凳上,久久不能自己。

: 記得當時我的眼眶裡有淚水打轉…. 整個暑假的辛苦訓練看來是完全白費了。
: Then it happened again the next day. Like an exact repeat of the day before.
: The thought crossed my mind that I was never going to be good enough to play
: college ball. Maybe that would be the last anyone heard of Victor
: Ooh-lay-PEE-do.
: 第二天基本上也是相同的劇情,我記得當時滿腦子想的都是自己應該永遠沒辦法成為一

: 夠格的大學籃球運動員。也許再也沒有人會有機會認識“歐啦屁杜”了。
: I got a few starts late my freshman season. By the time sophomore year rolle
: around, I was a starter. I wasn’t a national name … but man, they were
: getting to know me in Indiana.
: 我在大一球季臨近結束的時候得到了幾場先發的機會,並且在大二那年成為印大先發五

: 的一員。雖然我當時還未舉國聞名,但至少印第安納州民已經開始認識我了。
: And it wasn’t like they just knew how to pronounce my name. No, they knew m
: everywhere in Bloomington. For my 8 a.m. class every morning I’d have to
: wear headphones from the time I went out the door to the time I sat down at
: my desk, just so I wouldn’t be late because of all the people who would com
: up and try to talk to me. I wouldn’t even be playing music most of the time
: so I could hear people whispering my name.
: 他們並不僅僅是想要知道我名字的正確發音而已,整個布魯明頓都認識我。即使是去上

: 點的早課的路上,我都必須全程戴著耳機以防路人把我攔下來聊天,才能避免不遲到。

: 多時候我不會放音樂,就只是單純的戴著耳機而已,因為這樣我就能一邊走路一邊聽到

: 人交頭接耳說著我的名字。
: I wanted to talk to everybody. I really did. It was a thrill to be known lik
: that. Every time somebody said my name or pointed me out, it made me want to
: work that much harder and be that much better the next time I stepped on the
: court.
: 我其實真的很想停下來和所有人聊天,被全世界認識的感覺真是太棒了。每當有人說出

: 的名字,或是指向我的時候,這會激勵我更加刻苦訓練,在下一場比賽贏得更好的表現

: Those three years in Bloomington were just — they changed me. Yeah, I becam
: a better basketball player, but it was also the first time I saw an entire
: community be so passionate about a single thing. About a game we were
: playing. I learned that interacting — even just taking the time to stop and
: talk once in a while with the community — can actually change people’s
: entire outlook on life.
: 在印大的那三年完全改變了我。除了成為了一個更加出色的籃球運動員外,我也第一次

: 歷一件事情可以讓整個社區如此激情澎湃:我們的籃球比賽。我意識到自己與他人的互

: ,即使只是偶爾駐足閒聊,也能給別人帶來巨大影響。
: I learned that basketball can help you be a part of something bigger than
: yourself.
: 籃球讓我得以超越自我,超越個體。
: I ended leaving for the NBA after my third year at IU but I’d gotten enough
: credits to get my degree a year early. After the commencement ceremony was
: over for our graduating class, that guy from the first day in the gym tapped
: me on the shoulder. He asked if I remembered that night, when I told him I
: was going to make it to the NBA.
: 大三賽季後我決定投入NBA選秀,在此之前我便已經修完足夠學分,並拿到學位證書。

: 業典禮結束後,那位我剛入校時在訓練館遇到的兄弟拍了拍我的肩膀,問我是不是還記

: 那天晚上,我告訴他自己將會成為一個NBA球員。
: His name was Dave. Dave had been more right than I knew.
: 他的名字叫大衛,當時的他的確說對了,加入NBA是一條漫長的路。
: Today Dave works at CAA, and he’s one of my best friends. Dave was never th
: kind of guy to blow smoke. He said it’d be a long road, but he also didn’t
: say it was impossible.
: 今天的大衛在CAA工作,同時他也是我最好的朋友之一。大衛從來不講虛話,他說過NBA

: 是一條漫長的路,但他從沒說那是一條不可能的路。
: I see you, Dave.
: 我終於明白了,大衛
: Jed Jacobsohn/The Players' Tribune
: Guess where my first away game was my rookie year? Indiana. When I was
: introduced, I got a standing ovation.
: 時間快轉到我NBA新人賽季的第一個客場比賽,猜猜在哪裡?沒錯,就在印第安納。當

: 場DJ介紹我出場的時候,我得到了全場起立鼓掌的待遇。
: That’s love. I felt at home.
: 這就是愛,我感覺自己回到家了。
: I can’t tell you how special it feels when you think about how in only a fe
: years, you can go from nobody knowing how to pronounce your name, to 20,000
: people chanting it in unison. And I was on the opposing team.
: 我無法告訴你在短短幾年內,從沒人知道你名字的正確發音,到全場兩萬人整齊劃一的

: 立高喊你的名字,而你竟是客隊球員,是一種多麼美妙的感覺。
: It was like that every time I came back. If I was playing for Orlando,
: Oklahoma City, it didn’t matter. If I ever went out in Indiana I was
: embraced by the people. Everyone remembered the years I played in college an
: talked about them like I was still on the team. Even when I was away, I was
: tied to Indiana.
: 我每次來到這個球場都會獲得如此待遇,無論我是代表魔術還是雷霆。無論我走到哪裡

: 印第安納人都無比的擁護我。所有人都記得我為印大拼戰的那些年,並且把我當成他們

: 遠的一份子。就算我不在印州了,我也還是印州人。
: And now here we are.
: 而現在,我回來了。
: Maybe you’ve never been to Indiana. Or maybe you’ve just visited once or
: twice. Never even really thought about it. It’s a flyover state, right? One
: that’s easy to glance over on a map.
: 你可能永遠沒有來過印第安納,又或許你曾經路過這裡一兩次,也從來沒把這個“中轉

: ”放在心上,畢竟它是一個如此容易在地圖上被忽略的存在。
: And I bet that when you heard about the Thunder-Pacers trade, you were
: thinking about Paul George. Doma and I — we were a package deal, traded for
: the second time in a year, going to a non-contender in a flyover state.
: 所以我打賭,當你聽到雷霆與遛馬交易的時候,你可能只會想到Paul George。我和多

: 不過是添頭,是交易案的部分籌碼而已。我們在一年內第二次被交易,而且還是被交易

: 一個沒有爭冠實力的“中轉州”球隊。
: We know what it feels like to be overlooked.
: 我們早就習慣被忽視的感覺。
: And so do a lot of guys on our team. And a lot of people in our arena. We
: know what it feels like when somebody gives up on you.
: 許多在我們隊上的人,以及更多在球場替我們吶喊的印州球迷也是如此。我們比誰都更

: 道那種被忽視看輕,以及被別人放棄的感覺。
: Ron Hoskins/NBAE/Getty Images
: That’s all over now. Nobody’s giving up on anybody this year.
: 這一切都要結束了,今年,沒有人需要放棄任何人。
: It goes back to what I texted Doma the day we both got traded. I knew Indian
: would embrace him — embrace all of us — in the way only this state can.
: 回到我在被交易當天告訴多瑪的那句話:我知道印第安納會矢志不渝的擁護他,也擁護

: 們所有人,只有這個州才會如此。
: And we’re gonna need you right now, Indiana. The rest of the league might
: have forgotten about us, but you haven’t. Forget what the standings say.
: Forget the MVP race. Enough with all of that. We know who we’re playing for
: You know what this team’s about. We’re ready to make a run in these
: playoffs. Right now.
: 我們現在比任何時候都需要你們,印第安納。整個聯盟似乎已經忘了我們,但只有你們

: 有。忘記聯賽排名吧,忘記那些關於MVP鹿死誰手的話題吧,我們已經聽夠了。我們知

: 自己是為了誰在奮鬥,你知道這支球隊是為何而戰。我們已經準備好面對季後賽了…..
: 就是現在。
: To everybody else, yeah, maybe we’ve got a lot to prove.
: 對其他人來說,或許我們還有很多需要證明的。
: But that’s never stopped me before.
: 但我從來沒有因為這些停下自己的腳步。
作者: saintmin1002 (Ming1002)   2019-01-24 20:39:00

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