pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
2019-03-08 09:51:14來源: SBNation
網址: http://tinyurl.com/y47sh4ot
Watch Channing Frye and Richard Jefferson mercilessly roast LeBron for
passing MJ
Channing Frye跟Richard Jefferson對於LBJ超過MJ得分紀錄開玩笑
Two of LeBron James’ former teammates were quite ready to celebrate his
accomplishment after passing Michael Jordan for fourth on the NBA’s all-time
scoring list.
兩個LBJ的前隊友早就準備好要幫LBJ慶祝他超過Michael Jordan得分紀錄成為史上第四。
影片支援: https://twitter.com/i/status/1103513829227532288
Channing Frye and Richard Jefferson host the amazing Road Trippin’ podcast,
which they started as members of the Cavaliers along with LeBron. Upon
hearing that he’d just passed Jordan they had some thoughts.
從跟LBJ在騎士成為隊友時,Channing Frye跟Richard Jefferson就共同主持一個podcast
節目Road Tripping,當他們倆個聽到LBJ超越Jordan的紀錄時,他們講了他們的想法。
Frye: “I think it’s a huge accomplishment for a guy like him who’s shown
his consistency, of ball-hogging. He’s a huge ball hog.”
Frye: 「我認為對於一個像是他那種很穩定的,都不傳球的人,這真是個偉大的成就。他
Jefferson: “Never passed the ball.”
Jefferson: 「從不傳球。」
Frye: “Never. Passed. The. Ball.”
Frye: 「從。不。傳。球。」
Jefferson: “Why don’t you try to pass the all-time assist leader? Why don’
t you try and pass John Stockton, instead of trying to pass Kareem?”
Jefferson: 「你怎麼不打破史上助攻最高紀錄啊? 你怎麼不試著超車John Stockton,而
只贏過Kareem啊? 」
Frye: “It took him long enough. What is this, 19 years?”
Frye: 「他好像搞很久才達到喔,有多久? 19年? 」
Jefferson: “Years.”
Jefferson: 「好多年~」
Frye: “It took him YEARS.”
Frye: 「他花好多年~」
Jefferson: “God, if I kept playing I would have passed people too.”
Jefferson: 「老天,若我還繼續打球的話,我也可以超過一堆人。」
Frye: “Yeah, if I just shot 14-15 times a game. Anyway, congrats man — you
Frye: 「是啊,若是我一場可以出手個14-15次的話,我也行。總之,兄弟恭喜你啦