[外絮] Ric Bucher相信KD將離開勇士前往尼克

作者: kenny1300175 (蘇湖)   2019-04-04 12:44:55
While it still seems ridiculous to think Durant would leave one of the
greatest dynasties in NBA history for the dysfunction of the Knicks, it
reportedly is all but assured, according to Bleacher Report's Ric Bucher.
『Kevin Durant會選擇離開史上最好球隊一的勇士,前往烏煙瘴氣的尼克』
但根據《Bleacher Report》記者Ric Bucher報導,KD前往尼克這件事幾乎已成定局。
"From everything I've heard, it's done. Yes, he's leaving," Bucher told FOX
Sports' Colin Cowherd on Wednesday's edition of "The Herd" about Durant going
to the Knicks.
Ric Bucher在FOX Sports節目上表示:
Bucher believes Durant wants to leave the Warriors in order to be appreciated
the way a two-time NBA Finals MVP deserves.
Ric Bucher相信KD離開勇士的理由,原因在於他沒有得到兩屆FMVP應有的尊重。
"It's not a matter of not liking or appreciating what he has," Bucher said.
"But being there, I can tell you that Kevin Durant has never been fully
embraced by the Warriors faithful. And has never, from even a national
perspective, been given the just do that you would expect for a guy who has
been the NBA Finals MVP of their last two championships. It's still Steph's
team. It's still Steph, Klay, Draymond. KD thanks for coming along and
helping us win these last two. He's never gotten the just deserts.
Ric Bucher:「這無關他喜歡現況與否,但在勇士這裡,
我可以告訴你Kevin Durant從來沒有被勇迷真正接納過,從來就沒有。
這支球隊仍然是Stephen Curry的球隊,仍然是Curry、K湯、嘴綠。
"So now that he's done that, it's a matter of, 'Where can I go and I can get
this done? I can be the centerpiece and I'm going to be unbelievably
appreciated.' I can tell you one place: The New York Knicks, the New York
Knicks' fans, Madison Square Garden. If he so much as takes them into the
conference finals, for as much as they have not done for the past multiple
decades, he will be beloved there like he never has been at Golden State
after winning two championships."
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2019-04-04 13:04:00
姆斯去帶35勝的湖人都那麼慘了 尼克現在才15勝怎麼帶? 而且尼克高層還比湖人爛
作者: SwissMiniGun (瑞士迷你槍)   2019-04-04 13:08:00
球星墳場耶 怕
作者: attitude0613   2019-04-04 14:21:00

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