pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
2019-04-04 17:27:46來源: SB Nation
網址: http://tinyurl.com/y5vupnyu
LeBron James says he will ‘be as active as I need to be’ in recruiting free
agents for the Lakers and that this summer is ‘critical’ because he wants
to win now
LeBron James說在為湖人招募FA上 只要有需要 他會"非常積極" 因為他想贏球
Up until this season, Lakers star LeBron James was the tide that lifted all
ships, no matter how cumbersome they might have been. As such, it wasn’t as
important for him to play the personnel game and try and get talent alongside
As a matter of fact, James would have you believe he never got involved with
such things to begin with (another matter altogether), but he told Howard
Beck of Bleacher Report that’s changing, and that he’s ready to help the
Lakers get him some help in any way he can this summer:
事實上,LBJ會讓人以為他從來就不參與這類的事情,但是之前他告訴Bleacher Report的
“I’ve never played fantasy basketball,” James says. “But I will be as
active as I need to be for this franchise to get better. That’s why I came
here. I came here to win. And obviously, we need to get better, as far as our
personnel. We have an opportunity to get better. And there’s a lot of talent
out there, and a lot of guys that can help our franchise. So I’ll be as
active as I need to be for us to get better and go from there.”
「我從沒玩過Fantasy Basketball,」LBJ說。「但是我今年夏天將會非常積極的幫助湖
Look, I find it hard to believe that someone who cares about player
empowerment the way James does has yet to flex his muscle with the
organizations he was playing for before, but again, that’s besides the point.
All that really matters here is that James will play a role as a recruiter
this summer, because he knows he (and the Lakers) desperately need all the
help they can get:
”It’s a critical summer for myself,” James says. “Obviously, the
franchise is going to live forever. But for me personally, it’s very
critical, because I want to compete and I want to compete now.”
He absolutely right on how important this summer is. Like it or not, his
legacy would take a hit if he has another couple seasons like this last one,
and then departs either in free agency or retirement with all of his prime
behind him. How large a hit is debatable given how incredible his career to
this point has been, but a hit nonetheless. Because of that, he told Beck he
can’t waste any more time:
”So it’s very critical to me and my future,” James says of acquiring
another star, as he stops midway down the Garden ramp. “And I’m positive
and very optimistic that Magic and Rob and the franchise will be great.”
When James and this front office agreed to work together, it was seen and
sold as a type of partnership., but we’ve heard how he felt about the roster
makeup this year. It’ll be interesting to see if Johnson and Pelinka accept
responsibility for that at their upcoming exit interviews, or roll with
injuries as the explanation for their experiment not working out.
Either way, James promising to help in any we he can to acquire a second star
is a huge development, and whether or not he and Magic are successful will
mean quite a bit for how both are perceived moving forward. We already know
that James feels confident that it will be easier to recruit players to Los
Angeles than Cleveland, now we get to see if that’s enough to get some deals