[情報] 美國50州票選當今NBA最佳球員

作者: kenny1300175 (蘇湖)   2019-05-10 12:19:42
Twitter map shows LeBron still considered NBA's best current player
Caitlyn Holroyd
15h ago
While LeBron James' first season with the Los Angeles Lakers was largely a
disappointment, it doesn't appear to have impacted NBA fans' opinions of him.
Using geotagged Twitter data from the past two months that tracked
discussions about the "best" current players in the NBA, Sportsinsider.com
put together a map of the United States depicting who is favored in each
state. James won the most states of any player with 24, followed by Kevin
Durant with 14, James Harden with 10, and Giannis Antetokounmpo with two.
LeBron James:24州
Kevin Durant:14州
James Harden:10州
字母哥 : 2州
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放暑假也有第一名 哈哈哈
作者: jiangjiang33 (yo man)   2019-05-10 13:09:00
LBJ=曹魏 KD=孫吳 鬍子=蜀漢 字母=士燮
作者: RuleAllWorld (生命剩下365年)   2019-05-10 13:20:00

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