joulin (joulin)
2019-06-05 10:39:50記者爆料都不用合乎邏輯跟現實的嗎?
Plaschke:I heard this for the first time yesterday, somebody very connected s
aid 'You know what, if they whiff, LeBron's going to say either I'm out of he
e or get me out of here, or the Lakers just might as well just get him out of
ere.' So this is huge.
知情人士說:LBJ將會告訴湖人 "要嘛我離開這",要嘛....
LBJ不是簽1+1 他合約就是4年約
約還沒有到 他要怎麼離開?
真以為聯盟是他開的? 他說要離開就能離開?
他唯一能自己決定不在湖人打球的方式 就是宣布退休?
他頂多就是學學老大 喊吹密
那就是第二個選項 "你們把我送走"
怎麼想也不可能有第一個選項... 到底這料是誰爆給記者的 還是記者自己幻想?
不過 現實就是他根本不可能自己離開
另外 許多消息都是 LBJ團隊對湖人未來依舊感到樂觀
※ 引述《Wojnarowski (@wojespn)》之銘言:
: Lakers could reportedly risk losing LeBron James if they whiff in free agency
: and trade market this offseason
: Speaking onhe Sedano Show, Bill Plaschke of the Los Angeles Times and ESPN's D
: ave McMenamin both said they have reason to believe the Lakers are skating on
: thin ice with LeBron, who could feasibly want to part ways with the Lakers pre
: maturely should they fail to put together a championship-contending roster i
: n the very near future.
: 洛杉磯時報記者Bill Plaschke和湖人隨隊記者Dave McMenamin在廣播節目上討論湖人和L
: BJ的未來,他們認為現在湖人和LBJ關係如履薄冰,若不久的未來湖人無法打造球隊成為
: 冠軍競爭者,LBJ可能和湖人分道揚鑣。
: 以下談話內容:
: Bill Plaschke: I'm hearing that if they whiff on free agency, and if they whif
: f on a trade, which I don't know how likely that is, but if that happens, they
: 've got big trouble with LeBron. I mean the LeBron era could be over before it
: starts here.
: Bill Plaschke:我聽到的消息是,如果湖人在自由球員市場失利、交易市場也毫無建樹
: ,若真的發生,那麼LBJ會成為很大的麻煩。我的意思是,或許湖人的LBJ時代還沒正式開
: 始就要提前結束了。
: Dave McMenamin: Everyone I speak to associated with LeBron, they are holding t
: he rope for now, and all they can do is be positive because this is going to b
: e a crucial five-week stretch. But on the other side of that, if it's July 10t
: h in Los Angeles and it's Nic Vucevic [that the Lakers have had to settle for]
: , or whomever does not meet the criterion of bringing in a star who can make t
: hem an immediate contender, you could only imagine where things could go.
: Dave McMenamin:我接觸到的所有LBJ身邊的人現在都還抱持著樂觀態度,但是他們必須
: 保持積極的心態,因為未來這五周時間非常關鍵。若湖人到了7月10日左右還沒有簽到至
: 少Vucevic這種級別的球星,或者湖人無法得到一位能幫助他們成為爭冠球隊的大牌球星
: ,你可以想像事情將會如何發展。
: Plaschke:I heard this for the first time yesterday, somebody very connected s
: aid 'You know what, if they whiff, LeBron's going to say either I'm out of her
: e or get me out of here, or the Lakers just might as well just get him out ofh
: ere.' So this is huge.
: Plaschke補充:昨天我第一次聽到這個消息,一個知情人說:你知道嗎,如果湖人搞砸了
: ,LBJ將會告訴他們,要嘛我離開這,要嘛你們把我送走,或者,湖人可能會把他送走,
: 所以今夏非常關鍵。
: 來源:
: https://reurl.cc/g3ndX
: 短評或心得:
: 就看今夏湖人的補強了