Ramona Shelburne
ESPN Senior Writer
Kevin Durant was getting ready to commit to the Brooklyn Nets, along with his
good friends Kyrie Irving and DeAndre Jordan. They'd all grown close in 2016
with the United States Olympic Team, and had talked often about playing with
one another someday. All that remained was for free agency to officially open
on the evening of June 30.
Then Durant got a call from Kawhi Leonard, asking if he'd consider teaming up
with him and signing with the LA Clippers. They'd be a great complement to
each other, Leonard told Durant. He'd always admired him, and had tremendous
respect for him as a competitor.
“ 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟~ ” KD接到了Leonard的電話,並詢問是否有興趣與他一起在快艇組隊,
”我們將會成為一組很棒的組合” Leonard這樣告訴KD ,“Leonard很尊敬KD,作為一個
競爭者,他對KD保有巨大的respect (尊重)。
Durant was flattered and more than a little stunned, according to sources
close to the situation. He didn't know Leonard that well, so getting a
recruiting call like that made a real impression.
And while Durant followed through on his plan to play with Irving and Jordan
in Brooklyn a few days later, the seeds of Friday's blockbuster night had
been sown
作者: encorej77107 2019-07-07 00:28:00
講半天可愛就是不想跟LBJ同一隊阿可以跟KD組可以跟PG組 就是不能跟LBJ組快艇弄不來PG 可愛一定又是找理由回暴龍KL連重傷的KD都願意了 就知道他多排斥LBJ小弟了
作者: encorej77107 2019-07-07 00:37:00
KD都重傷了 怎麼搶老大LBJ老 KD傷 未來是可愛的?
作者: encorej77107 2019-07-07 00:54:00
組團始祖居然有被人排斥的一天他也不是快艇粉阿 重點就是他排斥跟LBJ打球其他都是屁話問題是要陪打一年 MVP身手寧願空白一年也不想跟LBJ一隊KD明年又不能上場所以湖人根本從頭到尾不在牌桌上只是拿來壓迫快艇找大腿的煙霧彈
作者: encorej77107 2019-07-07 01:02:00
湖人不可能找KD LBJ沒時間等一年你是不是忘記KD報銷一年PG有合約在身 雷霆不交易 可愛根本沒辦法
作者: encorej77107 2019-07-07 01:05:00
球員跟球員之間要問問幹嘛 2個人都有意願 球隊又有辦法吃下 2人同意就簽了只有可愛不單純阿 其他人都是討厭就討厭其他人根本沒有臉上裝笑臉 背後裝笑微KI當初討厭LBJ 也是說走就走阿 背後裝笑微的真的很少見
可能想組個雙人組合吧 那時候可能還沒敲到PG想知道快艇有能力同時招到KD跟PG嗎
作者: ChenShuibian (陳水扁) 2019-07-07 07:55:00
哀 小前鋒會這樣也是某人先開始的
作者: hamburgerger (漢堡哥哥) 2019-07-07 10:52:00