記者:Dave McMenamin
With the NBA suspending its season indefinitely and closing the doors on its 2
8 arenas around the country for the foreseeable future with no games to be pla
yed,Cleveland Cavalier star Kevin Love pledged $100,000 Thursday to aid aren
a workers displaced by the league's response to the coronavirus.
"My hope is that others will step up!!" Love told ESPN via text message.
Love's act of generosity echoes the joint statement released by the Cavs and t
heir home arena, the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse, on Thursday when they vowed t
o develop "a compensation plan to continue paying our event staff and hourly w
orkforce that is impacted with the changes to our regular event schedule."
因為Love的舉動使得騎士隊與其主場(Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse)發表了聯合聲明。
There are "well over a thousand" workers employed at Rocket Mortgage Fieldhous
e and the Canton Memorial Civic Center for the Cavs and the Charge, the Cavs'
G League affiliate, as well as for the AHL's Cleveland Monsters, NCAA events a
nd concerts, according to a team spokesperson.
Love announced his donation on his Instagram account, accompanied by a photogr
aph of the five-time All-Star taking a selfie with a crowd of construction wor
kers during the Fieldhouse's recent renovation.
The photo was originally taken the day Love signed a four-year, $120 million e
xtension with the Cavs in the summer of 2018.
"Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. And the fear and anxiety
resulting from the recent outbreak of COVID-19 can be extremely overwhelming,
" Love wrote as a caption to accompany the post.
"Through the game of basketball, we've been able to address major issues and s
tand together as a progressive league that cares about the players, the fans,
and the communities where we work. I'm concerned about the level of anxiety th
at everyone is feeling and that is why I'm committing $100,000 through the Kev
in Love Fund in support of the Cavs arena and support staff that had a sudden
life shift due to the suspension of the NBA season. I hope that during this ti
me of crisis, others will join me in supporting our communities.
我關心每個人對於這次疫情的憂慮,所以我從Kevin Love 基金會捐10萬美元來支持騎士
"Pandemics are not just a medical phenomenon. They affect individuals and soci
ety on so many levels, with stigma and xenophobia being just two aspects of th
e impact of a pandemic outbreak. It's important to know that those with a ment
al illness may be vulnerable to the effects of widespread panic and threat. Be
kind to one another. Be understanding of their fears, regardless if you don't
feel the same. Be safe and make informed decisions during this time. And I en
courage everyone to take care of themselves and to reach out to others in need