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: 沒看Jordan紀錄片 Ewing不想在傷口上灑鹽
: https://imgur.com/ibsElGM.jpg
: Michael Jordan(左)與Patrick Ewing(右)。(達志影像資料照)
: 與Michael Jordan同期在NBA東區競爭的名人堂中鋒Patrick Ewing表示,Jordan的紀錄片
: 影集他只看了一下就關掉,因為他必須親身經歷那些事,不想再經歷一次。
: 在接受運動脫口秀《The Dan Patrick Show》訪問時,Ewing談到Jordan紀錄片時表示:
: 「我得要親身經歷那些事,得要親自面對他,還有我們經歷過的那些戰役,然後你們現在
: 有這個紀錄片一直來要我看我不想看到的事情。」
: 身為1985年選秀狀元,比Jordan晚1年進NBA的Ewing生涯戰功彪炳,從1987至88年球季開
: 始連13季帶領紐約尼克闖進季後賽,帶隊打出堪稱隊史最輝煌時期,但1989到1996年間8
: 次季後賽他們5度被Jordan率領的公牛淘汰。只有在Jordan缺席的1993至94球季季後賽一
: 路打進總冠軍賽。而在各種Jordan精華影片中,總是能看到Jordan在Ewing頭上灌籃的畫
: 面。
: 甚至早在大學時代,Ewing就有過慘痛經驗。1982年他帶領喬治城大學打進NCAA第1級男籃
: 總冠軍賽,但在比賽剩下17秒他們領先1分時,對手背號23號1年級後衛命中遠距離跳投超
: 前比數逆轉戰局,讓他們丟掉勝利。這就是Jordan在北卡羅萊納大學打響名號的致勝一投
: 。
: 「我看了一下,然後就關掉去做其他事情了。我親身經歷過,不需要看,我知道他很強。
: 」Ewing說。
: Ewing曾以大學生與NBA球員身分2度拿下奧運男籃金牌,這2次都是與Jordan並肩作戰,分
: 別是1984年洛杉磯奧運以及1992年巴塞隆納奧運。不過Ewing表示,這2面金牌他都搞丟了
: :「我搬了好幾次家,2面金牌都找不到。我在紐約的時候有1次家裡遭小偷,我想金牌是
: 被偷了。」
: 備註:
: 話說NBA球員家裡遭小偷的人數細數起來是不是不少
還包括他的老隊友Charles Oakley
最近更直接說 1993年季後賽尼克會輸給公牛 罪魁禍首就是Ewing
Charles Oakley destroying his reputation in New York with insane Patrick
Ewing criticism
由於對Patrick Ewing不理性的批評 Oakley正在摧毀自己在紐約的名聲
There was a time when Charles Oakley was one of the most beloved figures in
New York.
Heck, that was a just a few months ago.
曾經 Oakley是紐約人最喜愛的球員之一
Now, Oakley is sullying his reputation in The Big Apple so badly that some
New York Knicks fans are beginning to side with James Dolan in Oakley’s feud
with the owner.
紐約球迷已經開始決定要支持與Oakley有宿仇的尼克老闆James Dolan
Yes. Seriously.
Over the years, Oakley has said a lot of stuff. Some of it interesting, some
of it wrong. But Knicks fans loved him anyway. Until Oakley crossed the line.
這幾年來 Oakley說了很多事 有些很有趣 有些則不是事實
但無論如何 尼克球迷依然愛他 直到他跨過了那條不可逾越的紅線
That line was knocking New York legend Patrick Ewing, who spearheaded the
Knicks’ run in the ’90s when they were regularly challenging for Eastern
Conference supremacy.
他所做的就是攻擊在90年代帶領尼克成為東區強權的傳奇中鋒Patrick Ewing
Say what you want about Dolan. Say what you want about the Knicks’ front
office. Heck, even the fans.
But don’t say anything about Ewing.
你想罵尼克老闆Dolan 尼克隊的管理階層 甚至是球迷都無所謂
但就是不能去惹Patrick Ewing
Ewing was the last truly great player to ever be drafted by New York. Yes,
there was a love-hate relationship between Ewing and the fans during his
Knicks tenure as a result of Ewing never delivering on his promise of winning
a championship. But at its core, New York loved Ewing. And Ewing loved New
因為Ewing沒有達成他要為尼克拿下冠軍的承諾 尼克球迷的確曾對他又愛又恨
但紐約人是從骨子裡愛他的 Ewing也深深愛著紐約
So over the last several months, when Charles Oakley has thrown jab after jab
at Ewing and blaming him for the Knicks’ inability to win a title in the ’
90s, the fan base is obviously going to bristle.
因此當Oakley在過去幾個月不斷的攻擊Ewing 指責他的無能是尼克無法奪冠的原因時
Oakley reared his head again this week in the wake of the most recent episode
of “The Last Dance,” castigating Ewing for New York blowing a 2-0 lead over
Michael Jordan’s Chicago Bulls in the 1993 Eastern Conference Finals.
Oakley再度嚴厲指責Ewing搞砸了93年季後賽對公牛2-0的優勢 導致球隊輸球
“The Bulls had Michael and we had Patrick,” Charles Oakley said, via Marc
Berman of The New York Post. “It’s like seeing Beyoncé and going to see
someone trying to be Beyoncé”
"公牛有MJ 我們只有Ewing 這就像去看碧昂絲演唱會時
Or maybe Michael had Scottie Pippen and Patrick had you?
你怎麼不說MJ有Pippen 而Ewing只有你這傢伙呢?
Ewing averaged 25.8 points and 11.2 rebounds per game while shooting 53.0
percent from the floor in the Knicks’ six-game loss to the Bulls 27 years
ago. Meanwhile, Oakley posted 8.7 points and 10.8 boards per game while
making 43.9 percent of his shots.
Ewing在此系列賽六場比賽中平均25.8分11.2板 還有53%的投籃命中率
與此同時 Oakley的數據是8.7分 10.8板 43.9%投籃命中率
Look, I get it: Oakley was never a scorer. He didn’t put up big numbers.
That wasn’t his game. But I don’t think someone who didn’t even average 10
points per game in the series should be ripping a guy who averaged 26 and 11.
我知道你想說什麼 Oakley又不是一位得分手 他不是那種會得分大爆發的球員
I don’t know what it is with Oakley and Ewing. For whatever reason, Oak has
a beef with Ewing. Clearly, he did not enjoy playing with Ewing, and he doesn
’t think much of Ewing as a person, saying the center didn’t have the drive
that Jordan and other superstars had.
我不知道這兩個人之間到底發生什麼事 但無論原因是啥 Oakley對Ewing是有怨言的
他不喜歡跟Ewing一起打球 他甚至瞧不起他
But to sink to this level is ridiculous, and it is driving a gap between
Charles Oakley and New York.
但無論如何把話說到這份上就太荒謬了 這已經造成了球迷和他之間的裂痕
During the ’90s, Knicks fans adored Oakley. He largely represented what the
team was all about: Toughness, intensity and grit. He brought his lunch pail
to work every day and was not afraid to lay his body on the line in order to
get the job done.
在90年代時球迷非常喜愛Oakley 他代表了這支球隊的強悍與勇氣
他每天準時出現在球場上 而且為了防守 他拚盡了一切 盡力不讓對手越雷池一步
For that, Oakley deserves to be admired.
But to say that Ewing wasn’t leaving it all out on the floor or that he was
basically holding everyone back is complete nonsense.
但他說Ewing在場上不夠盡力 讓尼克無法繼續向前邁進 就真的是鬼扯了
I know Oakley was no longer with the Knicks at this point, but during the
1999 playoffs, Ewing actually played on a partially torn Achilles before
bowing out in the Eastern Conference Finals.
1999年的季後賽 Ewing帶著阿基里斯腱撕裂傷奮戰 直到東區冠軍賽才因傷退出
在這時候 Oakley早已經不在尼克了
It’s no secret that a torn Achilles is probably the worst injury that a
basketball player can have, and yet, Ewing was out there playing with it. He
was limping up and down the floor, giving every ounce of effort.
阿基里斯腱撕裂傷堪稱是一個籃球員最嚴重的傷 這已經不是秘密
儘管如此 Ewing依然跛著腳上場比賽 無論在場上還場下 他都拚盡了一切努力
Maybe Oakley doesn’t remember that because he was with the Toronto Raptors
at the time. Or maybe he just doesn’t want to remember because he was bitter
about being traded for Marcus Camby.
也或許他不願想起 被尼克隊交易換來Marcus Camby這件傷心事
Whatever the case may be, to just gloss over the fact that Ewing was a
genuine superstar who never cheated himself, his team or the fans is
blasphemy to Knicks fans.
無論如何 Ewing是個從未欺騙過自己 球隊及球迷的真正巨星
當Oakley試著掩蓋這個事實時 已經引起了尼克球迷的憤怒
Between 1990 and 1998, Ewing averaged over 20 and 10 every single season. He
regularly shot near or above 50 percent from the floor. He was a defensive
從1990-1998 Ewing年年都有20分10板以上的表現 並多數時候都有超過50%的命中率
他更是個防守怪物 是90年代尼克隊強悍防守球風的指標人物
Yes, MJ got in the way, but Jordan got in the way of a whole lot of greats.
Just ask Charles Barkley and Karl Malone. Even Alonzo Mourning and Reggie
MJ的確擋了他的冠軍夢 但因MJ而無法奪冠的球星還少嗎?
去問問Charles Barkley Karl Malone Alonzo Mourning and Reggie Miller就知道了
The whole “the Bulls had Michael and we had Patrick” thing just sounds
silly, because, again, I’m sure Ewing would have loved to have had Pippen as
a teammate.
Oakley這段"公牛有MJ 我們只有Ewing"的批評真的太蠢了
我可以肯定 Ewing若能有Pippen當隊友 他會很樂意接受的
Hopefully one day, Oakley will apologize for his absurd statements. But this
is Charles Oakley we are talking about. It’s not going to happen.
希望有朝一日 Oakley會願意為他可笑的言論道歉
但我們所討論的人叫做Charles Oakley 所以這是不可能發生的
Charles Oakley will just dig his ditch deeper and deeper until Knicks fans
not only dislike him, but learn to ignore him altogether.
情況若繼續下去 Oakley只會愈來愈加深自己和尼克球迷間的隔閡
屆時紐約球迷就不只是不喜歡他 而是再也不願想起這個人了