huntai (婚帶)
2020-06-01 12:53:09黑MJ正夯, 現在抓著趨勢可以黑就黑下去就對了......
Rip 11/15 FG% .733
MJ 4/10 FG% .400
Rip 3/9 FG% .333
MJ 4/9 FG% .444
手感正熱, 下半場讓他多投20球應該可以得50分了吧?
還有誰和MJ同隊過還沒出來講幹話的, 快點出來!!
第三節最後2分多鐘 MJ不在場上, Rip待到投最後一球
3rd Qtr 2:41 H. Davis enters the game for M. Jordan
3rd Qtr 0:04.5 R. Hamilton makes 2-pt jump shot from 17 ft
4th Qtr 9:44.0 M. Jordan enters the game for R. Hamilton
4th Qtr 6:42.0 R. Hamilton enters the game for T. Lue
光Play by play就可以查到兩人錯開的時間至少8分鐘以上
※ 引述《jackie0414 (哇哈哈)》之銘言:
: https://reurl.cc/lVlG39
: Hamilton remembered a night where he was on fire, but had to essentially stop
: shooting per Jordan's request.
: Hamilton回憶起他投籃手感正旺 卻因MJ要求而不得不停止的夜晚
: "Allan Houston was killing me. He killed me in my first two years. So, when
: MJ came my third year, now I feel like I've grown up... I've got big bro,
: I've got the bully in the room. So, I'm a little bit more confident. So,
: we're playing against New York in Washington and the first half, I go out and
: I give Allan Houston 30 in the first half," Hamilton said.
: Allan Houston在我進聯盟前兩年一直在痛電我
: 第三年MJ來了 有了這個大哥 我也覺得自己成長且比較有自信了
: 那次是在我們主場對戰尼克 上半場對上Houston我打瘋了 半場就拿了30分
: "I'm geeked. I'm like 'for all the times this mother-f