Pau Gasol Instagram
I miss you, hermano… not a day goes by that you are not present in what I do. Y
our spirit, your drive, your ambition, your love… continues to shine in my life
and in many others. Photos, videos, very special moments keep being shared by c
ountless people that have admired you and loved you in their own way, reminding
me how incredibly lucky I have been to share some of those moments with you.
兄弟,我想你了,不只一天提醒著我你已不在我身邊。你的精神、領導、志向和愛… 至今
I hope you and Gigi are smiling down seeing how strong, sweet and amazing your g
irls are… they are growing so fast brother.
I wish you could’ve met our little Elisabet Gianna. We will make sure she knows
where her middle name comes from… how extraordinary, loving and inspiring her
cousin Gigi and her uncle Kobe were.
我希望你可以見見我們的Elisabet Gianna。我們會確保她知道她中間名的含義…她的堂姊G
Today, we honor and celebrate both of you, you have left us with so much…, but
even if it isn’t how we would like things to be, you are, and always will be, i
n our hearts.
註:Elisabet Gianna是Pau Gasol的小女兒