NukAnah (『 』)
2021-09-28 12:53:41Kyrie Irving拒談疫苗施打狀態「這是我的隱私」
Kyrie Irving Refuses to Discuss Vaccination Status: 'I Like to Keep That Stuff P
Nets star point guard Kyrie Irving repeatedly refused to answer questions regard
ing his COVID-19 vaccination status and playing in front of the home crowd in Ne
w York City while appearing virtually during the team's media day on Monday.
籃網明星控衛Kyrie Irving在週一以視訊方式參與的媒體日活動中,不斷拒絕回答有關自身
When asked about his vaccination status, Irving said it was a personal matter.
“I like to keep that stuff private,” Irving said. “I’m a human being first..
.I would love to just keep that private and handle it the right way with my team
and go forward with a plan."
當被詢問到他的疫苗施打狀態,Irving 表示這是他私事
「我想在這件事上保留隱私」Irving 說。
Before availability, it was reported that Irving would not be at the Barclays Ce
nter for the media availability due to health and safety protocols, according to
The Athletic's Shams Charania and ESPN's Brian Windhorst and Zach Lowe. Irving
spoke to media from a different location, and when he was asked if the reason he
wasn't with the rest of his team was due to his vaccination status, he refused
to answer, saying it was a private matter.
在媒體日前,根據The Athletic's Shams Charania 和ESPN's Brian Windhorst 以及Zach
Irving 在不同的地點接受採訪,當被詢問到是否是因為疫苗施打狀況,而無法和其他隊友
When asked about whether or not he was excited about playing in front of the hom
e crowd, he did not give a direct answer.
New York and San Francisco are the only two cities that have required pro athlet
es to show proof of one COVID-19 vaccination dose to play indoors, except with a
n approved medical or religious exemption.
紐約及舊金山是唯二要求職業運動員需要有一劑COVID-19 疫苗施打證明,才能在室內比賽
If Irving is not vaccinated, he would not be able to play in his own home arena.
"Again, I would like to keep all that private," Irving said. "Please respect my
privacy regarding home games, what's going on with my vaccination."
Irving went on to say that everything will be released "at a due date, when ever
ything is cleared up." Irving was at the center of a Rolling Stone piece publish
ed Saturday that detailed the NBA clashing with players who are against getting
the vaccine.
如果Irving 沒有施打疫苗,他將不能在自己主場進行比賽。
「再一次,這些都是我的隱私」Irving 表示
Irving 接著說一切都會在「正確的時間」公佈,「當一切都整理好時」。
在Rolling Stone週六一則有關NBA 與拒絕施打疫苗球員衝突的報導中,Irving 就名列其中
The report details Irving's distrust of the vaccine and notes that he has liked
Instagram posts and follows an account that claims "secret societies" are implan
ting vaccines in a plot to connect Black people to a master computer for “a pla
n of Satan."
該則報導還指出,Irving 不信任疫苗,並註明了他在Instagram 中按讚一篇聲稱有個「秘
密結社」為了「撒旦的計畫」透過注射疫苗將黑人與master computer(抱歉這個我真的不
Despite not being able to attend media day, Irving is expected to accompany the
team to training camp in San Diego, per ESPN.
儘管不能出現媒體日,大家仍舊期待Irving 能夠與隊友一同出席聖地亞哥的訓練營。
Irving 和西門真的是兩大奇葩XDD
Irving 雖然在場上的表現無可挑剔,但場下的風波也一直不斷
Irving 當然可以覺得這是他的隱私,又或者他想用醫療/宗教特例
不過或許這就不是Kyrie Irving 了吧
作者: aa01081008tw 2021-09-28 13:08:00
我在想..一直有人想幫這奇葩的言行合理化.是因為他跟LBJ同隊過嗎?XD 反正能婊到LBJ我就是要挺KI.哈這咖真的超多讓人無言的事蹟..都總有人幫講話XD