arod1414 (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)
2021-12-25 17:29:29球評:AD的職業生涯走向錯誤的方向,他這年紀應該處於巔峰
Anthony Davis has had a rough season for the Los Angeles Lakers. He is currently
out with a sprained MCL, and he has been dealing with nagging injuries for a la
rge portion of the season. He is currently only averaging 23.3 PPG, 9.9 RPG, and
2.9 APG on the season, and those numbers are definitely lower than what he has
produced in prior seasons.
AD在洛杉磯湖人隊度過了一個艱難的賽季。他目前因 MCL 扭傷缺陣,並且在本賽季的大部
What’s weird is Davis’ career has gone in the wrong direction... If your free-
throw attempts are going down, your rebounds are going down, your field-goal per
centage is going down, your points are going down, and you’re in your late 20s,
that doesn’t make sense. You should be peaking in your late 20s. … I just thi
nk he has too much weight. I think he should have like a Garnett/Duncan kind of
a body versus it seems like he’s trying to become a center, and I don’t know i
f he can carry the weight.
的。你應該在將近30歲時達到巔峰。 ……我只是覺得他太重了。我認為他應該要維持像KG/
A lot of people such as Magic Johnson have previously suggested that Davis' opti
mal position is center. However, Bill Simmons seems to think the opposite. Antho
ny Davis notably bulked up over the summer, and it is well-known that there are
times where putting on muscle can affect one's shooting. Anthony Davis is only s
hooting 17.9% from the 3PT range, which is the lowest mark he's shot from there
in the last 5 years.
魔術強森等很多人先前都認為AD的最佳位置是中鋒。然而Bill Simmons似乎相反。AD在夏天
明顯變大隻了,眾所皆知,增肌有時會影響一個人的投籃。AD的三分命中率只有 17.9%,這
是他過去 5 年中最低的三分命中率。