Iguodala 整場被噓
拿球時被噓 投三分時被噓
"This is my second time playing here," Iguodala said after Monday's loss in Memphis. "I think that's just part of how sports and fans have become. They are more into the games with their emotions and feelings and obviously the narrative that can be driven, especially from those that are of wealth that control the media and are in ownership position. They can kinda control the narrative of how it goes out there. I'm understanding that the true story isn't always going to get out there. You deal with it
and move forward."
Iguodala: 這是我第二次在這裡打球。
我認為這(噓聲)只是這運動和球迷變成的一部分。 他們更常用情緒和感覺來參與比賽,而背後的敘述都是可以被驅動的,特別是從那些能控制媒體的有錢有權人士。他們可以控制披露出的敘述,而我知道真實的故事通常並不會永遠會被傳出。你只能處理並繼續前進
不過Iguodala 昨天並沒有分享所謂的「真實故事」是什麼樣子
媒體的錯 假新聞的錯?