arod1414 (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)
2022-05-21 00:07:22某西區教練盛讚THT:會毫不猶豫帶回他
Longtime NBA reporter Sean Deveney of Heavy.com recently published a piece in wh
ich he talked to an anonymous Western Conference coach who gave one of the most
optimistic outlooks on Horton-Tucker.
Heavy.com的資深NBA記者Sean Deveney最近發表了一篇文章,他採訪了一位匿名的西區教練
“I think, with Talen, obviously he did not get to where everyone wanted him to
be that quickly,” one Western Conference coach told Heavy.com. “But he is 21 y
ears old. He is playing for the Lakers and development is not the biggest thing
there. Every season he has been in the league, there has been COVID and the bubb
le and something that has gotten in the way of him making steps. But I think mos
t of us would take him on our team in a minute. He is big (6-foot-4) and long, h
e can handle the ball, he can initiate the offense, he will be a good defender e
ven if he is not there yet. He has value.”
Everything said there is true and the positive spin of trading for Horton-Tucker
, a side that isn’t often told. He’s still a remarkably young player with mult
iple years of experience. He’s shown more than flashes that he can be a positiv
e player in the NBA.