arod1414 (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)
2022-12-16 13:41:11Wade:比起助攻LBJ更想破得分紀錄,因為人們說他做不到
LeBron James is not a scorer. This was one of the early criticisms the naysayers
had on the Los Angeles Lakers superstar way before he established himself as on
e of the greatest to ever pick up a basketball.
While there is some truth to this notion — after all, LeBron is a pass-first ty
pe of player — the fact that James is now on the brink of shattering Kareem Abd
ul-Jabbar’s all-time NBA scoring record is a clear testament to LeBron’s unbri
dled scoring prowess.
Dwyane Wade has been a first-hand witness to James’ legacy. He’s had a front-r
ow seat to LeBron’s iconic career both as a teammate and as an avid spectator w
atching from the sidelines. He also happens to be one of the Lakers star’s clos
est personal friends. This is exactly why D-Wade has some insider knowledge on L
eBron’s chase for the scoring record — something that the former has decided t
o share with all of us today:
“I can’t use the word surprised if I’m going to say LeBron James’s name in a
nything,” Wade said, via Chris Mannix of SI. “I think sometimes we’re living
in the LeBron James era of life, and we haven’t had the chance to step back and
look at it just yet. And as we step back and look at it, it’s going to get eve
n better than it is right now with what he’s done. Obviously what he’s done aw
ay from the game, definitely what he’s done on the court. And so I’m not speak
ing for him when I say this, but I will speak as someone who spent a lot of time
with him. He’s not a selfish individual on a basketball floor. But I feel that
if there is one record that LeBron wants to walk away with more than the assist
record, it would be the scoring record. And it’s because of what people say he
cannot do, right?”
LeBron is not the type who claps back at his naysayers on social media at every
turn. Instead, he prefers to let his game do the talking. On this particular occ
asion, there is no better way to prove those who have questioned his elite scori
ng ability wrong than to become the NBA’s all-time leading scorer by the time h
e hangs it up.
LBJ不是那種動不動就在社群媒體上回擊反對者的人。 相反,他更喜歡用他的比賽來說話。