pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
2023-01-02 11:24:05來源:HeatNation
Gilbert Arenas says Heat have some of best-looking cheerleaders in NBA:
‘You’re calling timeouts just to look at the performance’
Gibert Arenas說熱火的有幾位啦啦隊是聯盟裡面最正的:「叫暫停的時候其實是要看她
Gilbert Arenas recently had a wild take about the Miami Heat, saying that
their cheerleaders are some of the most attractive in the league.
Gilbert Arenas最近對熱火隊有些出人意料的意見,說他們的啦啦隊有幾位是聯盟裡面最
The former star point guard appeared in an interview with VladTV and covered
various topics, including cheerleaders.
“There’s only a few teams that got good enough cheerleaders that you wanna
take serious,” he said. “You got Miami, Atlanta.”
The three-time All-Star implied that players during his time enjoyed watching
the Heat cheerleaders perform during timeouts.
“No one’s calling a timeout in Utah to look at the dancers,” Arenas added.
“Miami, you’re calling timeouts just to look at the performance. Like, ‘
Oh, hold on y’all, timeout, let’s look.'”