When asked if Thanasis Antetokounmpo would be on an NBA roster without
Giannis Antetokounmpo's assistance, three NBA officials responded as follows:
An NBA player personnel director: “No,’’ he responded immediately.
An NBA scout: “Let me think about this for a few seconds. (He then pauses
for about 10 seconds before answering). No.’’
An NBA general manager: “Hey, we know what that’s all about. It’s all
about appeasing Giannis. But to answer your question, no.’’
(Via @GeryWoelfel )
如果沒有Giannis的幫助,Thanasis 是否會出現在球隊名單上。
三位 NBA 高層的回答如下:
NBA球探:「讓我考慮一下。 (思考 10 秒鐘後) 不會。」
NBA總經理:「我們都懂,這一切都是為了安撫Giannis。 但答案是: 不會。」