Britney Spears was allegedly assaulted Wednesday night in Vegas, after a
member of NBA phenom Victor Wembanyama's security backhanded her in the face,
and she has filed a police report.
據TMZ報導,Britney Spears 於星期三晚上在拉斯維加斯遭受襲擊,一名NBA新秀Victor
Wembanyama的保全用反手打了她的臉部,而Britney Spears已經向警方報案。
The incident went down at Catch restaurant in the ARIA Hotel around 8:30 PM.
Britney, along with her husband, Sam Asghari, and 2 others went to the
restaurant for dinner. She was swarmed by fans as she entered the casino.
這一事件發生在晚上8:30左右的ARIA飯店的Catch餐廳。Britney 和她的丈夫Sam Asghari
Britney and co. walked over to Catch, and as they were entering the
restaurant, Britney spotted Victor. We're told she's a fan and went over to
him to ask if they could take a photo together. She tapped him on his back,
right shoulder and, we're told the Director of Team Security for the San
Antonio Spurs