Re: [美足] 密西根大學被指控偷暗號

作者: icecreamdog   2023-11-04 14:19:05
Connor Stalions 密西根大學的戰術分析師
在今天發出聲明稿說不想因為「個人行為」造成學校和Football 球隊的干擾
密西根這週打普度大學 預料應該可以輕鬆碾壓繼續保持不敗
※ 引述《icecreamdog (Maltese Bluecat)》之銘言:
The NCAA is investigating the No. 2 Michigan Wolverines football program amid
allegations of sign stealing, the school announced Thursday.
"I want to personally assure you that U-M Athletics will offer its complete
cooperation to the NCAA in this matter," athletic director Warde Manuel said
in a statement. "At the University of Michigan, all of us are committed to
the highest standards of ethics and integrity for all members of our
community. This is the same expectation I have of all coaches, staff, and
密大體育部門負責人出來說明 願意全權配合調查
The University of Michigan and the Big Ten were both notified by the NCAA of
the investigation Wednesday, and the conference said it had notified the
Wolverines' future opponents.
大十聯盟 和密大未來對手 也在同一時間收到消息
"The Big Ten Conference considers the integrity of competition to be of
utmost importance and will continue to monitor the investigation," it said in
a statement.
大十聯盟會密切注意事態發展 聲明稿中說
A source told ESPN's Adam Rittenberg that the NCAA's investigation also
includes allegations of similar violations by Michigan before the 2022
season. Upcoming opponents have not expressed opposition to playing Michigan
after being notified by the NCAA, sources told ESPN.
ESPN Adam Rittenberg 的消息來源說 去年開季前 密大也有同樣行爲被調查
The NCAA does not have rules specifically against stealing signs but does
prohibit in-person advance scouting of opponents and has bylaws prohibiting
unsportsmanlike activities.
但是賽前觀察對手 已經算是違反運動道德的活動
According to a report by Yahoo Sports, Michigan allegedly had people
attending games of future opponents as well as possible College Football
Playoff opponents to gather information on signs used to call plays on
offense and defense.
雅虎的報導說 具體的行為是派人到場觀看未來對手的比賽
A source confirmed to ESPN that in-person scouting is the focus of the NCAA
If true, the Wolverines would have violated NCAA Bylaw 11.6.1, which states:
"Off-campus, in-person scouting of future opponents (in the same season) is
若屬實 狼人對已經違反 大專體總競賽章程 11.6.1
U.S. Integrity, a Las Vegas firm that monitors the betting market, sent out
an alert to its sportsbook clients regarding the Michigan controversy
Thursday, ESPN confirmed.
拉斯維加斯監管賭盤的公司 已經將所知道的訊息傳給 在美國發行運彩的公司
Multiple Big Ten coaches this offseason were advocates of exploring helmet
communication as a way to generally better protect signs, a source told
ESPN's Pete Thamel. Potential NCAA rule changes, however, were tabled until
after this season.
球季外 數位大十聯盟的教練曾要求聯盟研究 能否增加頭盔內無線電的隱蔽性
The NFL has long used helmet communication for signals, with the first
version limited to sideline communication in 1994.
Michigan (7-0) plays Michigan State on Saturday.
"We are chagrined by the news of the NCAA investigation and we echo the Big
Ten Conference's commitment to integrity," Michigan State University interim
president Teresa Woodruff said in a statement. "The allegations are
concerning, but will be handled through the NCAA's processes."
In its statement, Michigan said the investigation would not impact the game.
Wolverines coach Jim Harbaugh has already served a university-imposed
three-game suspension this season stemming from alleged recruiting violations
during the COVID-19 dead period and for not cooperating with NCAA
Michigan still is facing four Level II violations, which are considered less
serious, from those alleged violations. That ruling from the NCAA is not
expected until 2024.
OK 所以下一場 Pual Bunyan 獎盃之戰是最好的實驗?
作者: edgelee (Mr.Butter)   2022-10-20 09:18:00
違規。但NCAA規章裡 沒有訂怎麼處罰…ESPN 有再補充.. 密大派出去的人有軍事背景..
作者: icecreamdog   2022-10-22 01:36:00
哈寶 出了第一步 窩不知道
作者: Non (與意志力的戰鬥)   2022-10-22 03:59:00
猛一看還以為籃球QQ 推
作者: icecreamdog   2022-10-22 04:04:00
不是籃球 是Football 籃球還有幾週才開季
作者: edgelee (Mr.Butter)   2022-10-24 14:55:00
作者: icecreamdog   2022-10-24 22:34:00
E 大補一下

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