edgelee (Mr.Butter)
2023-11-11 15:33:10週五下午 大十聯盟宣布將要處罰 Michigan football
決定禁賽Jim Harbaugh 三場
而那時Michigan 還正在要去PSU 的飛機上
等 Michigan 著地之後
U of Michigan 也馬上說會提告
想要拿到 temporary restraining order
但傍晚 密西根地方法院還是有收到訴訟書
第一個法官 正好還是U of Michigan 的客座教授...
發現是U of Michigan 法學院畢業的..
這件事搞到要季中 就開罰..
※ 引述《icecreamdog (Maltese Bluecat)》之銘言:
: https://shorturl.at/bhOW0
: Connor Stalions 密西根大學的戰術分析師
: 在今天發出聲明稿說不想因為「個人行為」造成學校和Football 球隊的干擾
: 決定在調查還沒結束之前主動辭職
: 這?
: 密西根這週打普度大學 預料應該可以輕鬆碾壓繼續保持不敗
: 但現在的排名需要因為偷暗號的「意外」上星號嗎?
: ※ 引述《icecreamdog (Maltese Bluecat)》之銘言:
: https://shorturl.ac/7c0hs
: The NCAA is investigating the No. 2 Michigan Wolverines football program amid
: allegations of sign stealing, the school announced Thursday.
: 密西根大學狼人隊被大專體總指控偷暗號,週四學校宣布這個消息。
: "I want to personally assure you that U-M Athletics will offer its complete
: cooperation to the NCAA in this matter," athletic director Warde Manuel said
: in a statement. "At the University of Michigan, all of us are committed to
: the highest standards of ethics and integrity for all members of our
: community. This is the same expectation I have of all coaches, staff, and
: student-athletes."
: 密大體育部門負責人出來說明 願意全權配合調查
: The University of Michigan and the Big Ten were both notified by the NCAA of
: the investigation Wednesday, and the conference said it had notified the
: Wolverines' future opponents.
: 大十聯盟 和密大未來對手 也在同一時間收到消息
: "The Big Ten Conference considers the integrity of competition to be of
: utmost importance and will continue to monitor the investigation," it said in
: a statement.
: 大十聯盟會密切注意事態發展 聲明稿中說
: A source told ESPN's Adam Rittenberg that the NCAA's investigation also
: includes allegations of similar violations by Michigan before the 2022
: season. Upcoming opponents have not expressed opposition to playing Michigan
: after being notified by the NCAA, sources told ESPN.
: ESPN Adam Rittenberg 的消息來源說 去年開季前 密大也有同樣行爲被調查
: The NCAA does not have rules specifically against stealing signs but does
: prohibit in-person advance scouting of opponents and has bylaws prohibiting
: unsportsmanlike activities.
: 大專體總沒有明文規定禁止偷暗號
: 但是賽前觀察對手 已經算是違反運動道德的活動
: According to a report by Yahoo Sports, Michigan allegedly had people
: attending games of future opponents as well as possible College Football
: Playoff opponents to gather information on signs used to call plays on
: offense and defense.
: 雅虎的報導說 具體的行為是派人到場觀看未來對手的比賽
: 也包含有可能在新年四強的對手的比賽
: 進而得知他們的進攻和防守的暗號
: A source confirmed to ESPN that in-person scouting is the focus of the NCAA
: investigation.
: 現場觀察對手是大專體總這次調查的重點
: If true, the Wolverines would have violated NCAA Bylaw 11.6.1, which states:
: "Off-campus, in-person scouting of future opponents (in the same season) is
: prohibited."
: 若屬實 狼人對已經違反 大專體總競賽章程 11.6.1
: U.S. Integrity, a Las Vegas firm that monitors the betting market, sent out
: an alert to its sportsbook clients regarding the Michigan controversy
: Thursday, ESPN confirmed.
: 拉斯維加斯監管賭盤的公司 已經將所知道的訊息傳給 在美國發行運彩的公司
: Multiple Big Ten coaches this offseason were advocates of exploring helmet
: communication as a way to generally better protect signs, a source told
: ESPN's Pete Thamel. Potential NCAA rule changes, however, were tabled until
: after this season.
: 球季外 數位大十聯盟的教練曾要求聯盟研究 能否增加頭盔內無線電的隱蔽性
: The NFL has long used helmet communication for signals, with the first
: version limited to sideline communication in 1994.
: Michigan (7-0) plays Michigan State on Saturday.
: "We are chagrined by the news of the NCAA investigation and we echo the Big
: Ten Conference's commitment to integrity," Michigan State University interim
: president Teresa Woodruff said in a statement. "The allegations are
: concerning, but will be handled through the NCAA's processes."
: In its statement, Michigan said the investigation would not impact the game.
: Wolverines coach Jim Harbaugh has already served a university-imposed
: three-game suspension this season stemming from alleged recruiting violations
: during the COVID-19 dead period and for not cooperating with NCAA
: investigators.
: Michigan still is facing four Level II violations, which are considered less
: serious, from those alleged violations. That ruling from the NCAA is not
: expected until 2024.
: 密西根目前還有四項二級指控待判
: 哈寶也因此在本季先自禁三場
: OK 所以下一場 Pual Bunyan 獎盃之戰是最好的實驗?