課程名稱: 經濟學
課程性質: 整開
開課教師: 鄭鴻章
開課學院: 商學院
開課系級: 國貿系
考試日期(年月日): 2013/06/18
考試時限(Mins): 9:10 ~ 11:00
一、The following table gives national income account information for a
hypothetical economy (20%)
| | |
| Expenditures for consumer goods and services | $2850 |
| | |
| Exports | $ 250 |
| | |
| Government purchases of goods and services | $ 810 |
| | |
| Social security taxes | $ 295 |
| | |
| Net investments | $ 510 |
| | |
| Indirect business taxes | $ 425 |
| | |
| Imports | $ 450 |
| | |
| Gross investments | $ 700 |
| | |
| Corporate income taxes | $ 190 |
| | |
| Personal income taxes | $ 875 |
| | |
| Corporate retained earnings | $ 210 |
| | |
| Government transfer payment to households | $ 780 |
Please use the information in the table above to calculate the following:
1. GDP
2. National income
3. Disposable personal inecome
1. 儲蓄意願提高,何以可能導致實際儲蓄水準下降?此時體系是否穩定? (10分)
2. 試評論『我國鉅額貿易順差之問題是由於儲蓄太多而投資不足所致』(請推測此種看法
之理由,以及自己的看法)。 (10分)
3. 何謂平衡預算乘數?乘數作用如何產生?其作用大小如何決定? (10分)
三、『典型總體經濟體系,包括勞動、財貨、貨幣及債券市場,根據Walras Law主張,可
就任意三市場來分析』之看法是否正確?試評論之。 (15分)
要因素之影響? (15分)
Y = C + I + G
Y = C + S + T
C = 50 + 0.75 (Y-T)
I = 100
G = 60
T = 60
i) 試請計算均衡國民所得Y與可支配所得Y-T (5%)
ii) 試請計算投資乘數 (5%)
iii) 若充分就業所得 Yf = 800,試問此時存在緊縮缺口或膨脹缺口?此缺口有多大?
若欲清除此缺口,請問政府支出應調整為多少? (10%)