[KIM ] Indian Wells 第四輪賽訪

作者: huohuo (= =)   2011-03-17 20:06:05
M. BARTOLI/K. Clijsters
3-6, 3-1 (ret.)
Q. You mentioned your shoulder in the last post match. Can you just kind of
take us through the last 48 hours, your treatments and how you've been
KIM CLIJSTERS: Yeah, I mean, that was obviously a match where, um, you know,
I was playing an opponent who was hitting a lot more higher shots. And I
already felt that in the last few tournaments. I think at the end of the
Australian Open I was already having some acupuncture from my trainer because
I was having some pains in that shoulder.
And especially I kept telling him even with the drive volleys that I was
hitting, everything that was kind of a little bit higher up, I felt I was
struggling with it a little bit.
It kind of, after Paris, you know, I thought, Okay, I have a little bit of a
break now. Just, yeah, rested well and felt that, you know, I just wanted to
see how it would go here. It didn't really it's not that, you know, that
I'm really, really worried about it, but it is something that I have to pay
attention to and that I don't want to risk, you know.
Obviously we have Miami, but then after Miami we have Fed Cup, which, you
know, I'm taking very seriously. And also obviously the clay court season,
which is, you know, a very tough part of the season for the shoulders. And
so, you know, I'm gonna have to make sure that I'm, you know, fully healed
until I start playing on that surface.
Q. Will this affect you entering Key Biscayne?
會不會影響到去Key Biscayne(佛羅里達的礁島)的行程?
KIM CLIJSTERS: I don't know. I hope not. My intentions are you know,
I'm going to go there and I'm going to do my rehab there, and plan on, you
know, playing my first round.
That's what I'm planning on. I'm gonna just see every day how it goes. And
I will see. Obviously I'm going to need a few days of rest. You know, I'm
gonna probably go and have some tests done there and see.
You know, the only thing my trainer is still in Belgium. The WTA physios are
here. Some are only coming later this week. So I'm gonna see, you know, the
people that WTA knows, who they know there. I know a lot of them are in
Florida, so I think I can go and see some people there.
But my intensions are still you know, I'm flying to Miami, so... I will
do whatever is necessary there. Then I'll see the closer I get to my match.
Q. Were you doing rehab at home after Paris and in between here, or were you
just resting it?
KIM CLIJSTERS: No, I had treatment with my trainer, but I wasn't playing. I
had my usual mobilizations, some acupuncture, a lot of loosening up, you
know, my shoulder, obviously my neck.
Because in Paris I had a really bad neck injury, which was I think in a way
probably already a little bit related with the shoulder. I don't know which
first, obviously.
But, so, yeah, I mean, obviously something is not the way it should be at the
moment in this area, so I'm gonna have to figure out, gonna have some tests
done, and then try to get to it and solve it.

Q. Was it a situation today where it just progressively got worse and worse,
or was there a certain point where...
KIM CLIJSTERS: I felt it in the beginning. I have been feeling it in my
practices when I'm just hitting with my coach. Mostly it's with the serve,
but then, yeah, with the higher forehands. Couple times a day when she wrong
footed me and I went out for my backhand where I tried to do this, I could
just feel it in the back,
You know, I mean, is it something where I'm like, Yeah, can I take some
painkillers for it and not feel it during a match? Yes, I think so. But
then I don't want to risk tearing it. So, you know, that's sometimes you
have to try and just see how far you want to go with that, and, you know, is
it worth that?
So obviously, you know, in my stage right now, I don't want to be in that
position where I'm taking medication to cover the pain and not knowing if
it's getting worse during my match.
Q. This is one of those welcome back to the pro tennis circuit moments
again, eh?
KIM CLIJSTERS: Yeah, I guess so. Probably also makes me realize that I'm
not the youngest one out there anymore and that I'm also probably not
recovering as fast as in the past. You know, in the past if I had a problem
like this, give me four, five days off and I'll be fine. Obviously I had
that after Paris and I wasn't really and I still felt it when I came here.
So it's going to also be a matter of making sure that I do a lot of
exercises, that I make sure the back of my shoulder blades are very strong,
and that the muscles can take over some of the problem areas that are there
Q. Is it basically the back of the shoulder?
KIM CLIJSTERS: Yeah, it's the supra spinatus, or I don't know. (Pointing to
outside right shoulder.)
Q. After the first set, were you thinking, If I can get up to 3 1, 3 Love,
something like that, maybe I can just keep the ball in play?
KIM CLIJSTERS: Well, it's confusing, because, you know, I know that even if
I, you know, still feel that I had a chance to win even though, you know, I
wasn't playing a 100% and I didn't feel 100%. I wasn't serving with the same
speed. I wasn't able to accelerate with my right arm, with my forehand.
But at some point you're like, Okay, what do I do, knowing if I get through
this match maybe it's gonna get worse and I'm not gonna play that next match,
and there is no match in that next round? Or do I, yeah, go for it?
It's confusing, but I said, Look, just do what you think is best for yourself
and don't worry about anybody else. That's obviously what I did, and tried
to think, Okay, in the long run, what is the most important thing for me
right now?
Q. How hard is it being so competitive? You go out there and you knew you
weren't feeling 100%. To say, I have to shut it down now, is there a voice
in your head saying, Well, you know, maybe...
KIM CLIJSTERS: Of course. Of course. I mean, there's always you know,
like today, I mean, you're like, Okay, try one more game. Maybe it loosens
up. Maybe if you get into the match maybe it gets loose or you get used to
the pain, you know, sometimes.
I mean, I've had matches where I've had an injury here and there, but then
the adrenaline kind of kicks in and you forget or don't focus about it too
But here, yeah, I just felt every serve or every forehand came a little bit
higher where I felt like I kind of had to whip that arm across. I felt,
yeah, that there was something not right, something that's not supposed to be
Like I said, not in my head I'm thinking, Okay, I don't want to make this
any worse than it is, because I have felt it get worse over those last few
Q. With age comes wisdom. Years ago would you have tried to play through
this, you think?
KIM CLIJSTERS: Probably, yeah.
Q. What does it actually feel like? Is it actual pain, or does it feel as
if it's locked?
KIM CLIJSTERS: No, it's pain. It's pain. It's pain, you know, when they
push on the muscle. It's pain when I do, you know, all the testing when they
make me go into the different positions. But that's not something new,
because I already had those when, Sam, my trainer was testing me before.
He's not too worried about the seriousness or about you know, and even
here, the physios are not really worried about it, but it is something that I
have to pay attention to. It is something that can get worse if you, let's
say start hitting six hours a day and start you know, those are the kind
of things that I have to just kind of watch it a little bit and go by feeling
as well, and try and recover as fast as possible.
Q. In that time after Paris when you said you were resting it, did you hit
at all during that time or not at all?
KIM CLIJSTERS: Not in the first, let's say, ten days, but then afterwards I
started hitting. Obviously here I picked it up. I already started doing
obviously I had my treatments, started doing my exercises, and I did a lot
of physical workout.
You know, again, I know that back part of, you know, I think any tennis
player is to make sure that the back side is very strong and that your
shoulder blades are in the right position.
But, you know, the amount of exercises that you have to do to compensate the
amount of shots you hit where you go forward sometimes doesn't always fit
right. You know, if you hit, let's say, I don't know, 500 forehands, it's
not realistic to think, Okay, now I'm going to have to do 500 exercises.
But in a way, that's how you have to think to make sure that that shoulder
blade stays back in. I think that's where a lot of tennis players, you know,
do have problems. And I think especially me also with my forehand is that,
you know, I use that arm a lot, and I get a lot of power out of my arm.
So maybe I need to start using my hips a little bit more. (Smiling.)
Tennis is sometimes dismissed as a country club sport, not really a contact
sport. But talk about what, especially women on the tour have to go through
in terms of the power, the torque, the new equipment, all that.
KIM CLIJSTERS: Everything. But that's the fun part about it. There are so
many details that play such a big role, such a big part in trying to be the
best player out there.
Physically, tennis has become a lot more a lot tougher. We've all had to
work a lot harder in the gym, and, you know, we hit harder, we move better,
we're faster. I mean, at least I felt like those have been the areas that
I've had to work on if I wanted to try and be a better player and try and
beat more players.
And then especially, you know, the traveling. There's a lot of things that
have an impact on your body. Even if you wouldn't be playing sports, those
are all little details that kind of don't make you feel 100% whenever you go
out there.
You have to learn about your body and learn about, kind of, yeah, about how
you feel, and also sometimes make smart decisions. There are a lot of
players who would like to practice six hours or think they have to practice
six hours a day or five hours a day and think that by more they do, you know,
the bigger chance they have of winning the next match.
But, you know, a lot of times I think it's also important to rest and to
listen to your body, even though you're not always you know, even though
it sometimes goes against, you know, what other people might say or people
around you might say.
Q. Have you withdrawn from a match before, do you recall?
KIM CLIJSTERS: Huh. I actually have no idea.
Q. Although Serena's absence helps you, do you miss her at all?
KIM CLIJSTERS: I do think that, you know, in the situation you know, we
all know that we can have injuries, but what has happened to her now is
something that is yeah, has nothing to do with sports.
I think just on a human kind of level it's very, was very scary. So
obviously in that way, I'm very you know, you feel bad. You live with it
and you kind of learn, and you want to be more interested about it.
Obviously if she would be injured, okay, then it's like, too bad, but this is
sports. But this is life threatening, and I think it just puts everything in
perspective a lot more.
So I think Serena is the best player out there, and I think just as a tennis
player and a tennis fan, I do miss her. Yeah.
作者: okk (︿(@ ̄o ̄@)︿)   2011-03-17 22:30:00

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