[試題] 102上 朱偉誠 大一英文 期中考

作者: NTUkobe (台大科比)   2014-01-24 17:37:51
試題 :
烈士 (English, 1%)
主播 (English, 1%)
(飛機場)轉機 (English, 1%)
監視 (English, 1%)
預告片 (English, 1%)
whistleblower (Chinese, 1%)
peerage (Chinese, 1%)
compliant (Chinese, 1%)
gravel (Chinese, 1%)
scheme (Chinese, 1%)
nightdress (Chinese, 1%)
might as well (make a complex sentence to illustrate its usage, 3%)
put (make a sentence by using it in the sense of "express", 3%)
access (make a sentence by using it either as verb or noun, 3%)
Summarize Alice Munro's story "Gravel" in chronological ordermand at the
end briefly give your own answer to the question that keeps bothering the
story-teller (10%).
Note: All answers should be in English unless noted otherwise (as in translate
and explain in Chinese). If there is an underlined part in the question, focus
your answer on it; if not, answer the whole part (but not the omission).
1. The Half-Blood Prince (what is special about this title? 1%)
2. Britain welcomes an heir, born to a future King and ("gasp!") a commoner.
(explain, 1%)
3. It sounds a little like a "straight-to-cable" (1) "Adam Sandler movie"
(2): cute babies get switched around in the "maternity ward" (3), frazzled
Mom and Dad don't notice, and "hijinks ensue" (4). (1. translate, 1%; 2.
what kind of movie is this? 1%; 3. transale, 1%; 4. translate, 1%; left top)
4. We might as well speak of a bashful pole dance or an honest roofer.
(why is that? 1%; left top)
5. The archaic "formulation" was pleasingly stuffy... (definition, 1%;
left top)
6. It was the need for a new royal family and a steady supply of royal blood
that... (explain in Chinese the point of this whole paragraph within the
essay, 2%; left middle)
7. ... and damn the hemophilia (translate literally, 1%; left middle)
8. In 1917, the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas "de-Germanized themselves into the
Windsors" (1), "a name that sounded much better when Armistice Day rolled
around" (2). (1. explain, 1%; 2. explain in Chinese, 1%; left middle)
9. In "its adopted land"... (reference, 1%; left middle)
10. ... because she was not only a commoner but also — "send the children
from the room" — an American). (explain, 1%; left bottom)
11. After worjing — "working?" — for an airline company, Kate's parents
founded a business ("business?"). (explain, 1%; left bottom)
12. It's almost American-style upward mobility, with a British twist: if
you work hard and play by the rules, regardless of race, color or creed,
you too can marry your daughter off to become the mother of a King! (Explain
in Chinese what the "American-style mobility" would be without the twist
and what the "British twist" tells us about the British? 2%; right top)
13. ... the new commoner King disrupts the "case" for royalty too.
(definition, 1%; right top)
14. It creates a gap between "them and us" that is, in theory, unbridgeable.
(reference, 1%; right middle)
15. All the trades in Britain, from bootmakers to distillers, fall over one
another to receive the royal purveyor's endorsement... (translate, 2%;
right middle)
16. Two centuries ago, the journalist William Cobbett noticed that "the
Brits referred to the Royal Mint but the national debt". (first translate
and then explain in Chinese why it is so as well as why the two words are
in italics, 3%; right middle)
17. The anti-royalist "cause" is reeling. (definition, 1%; right bottom)
18. Besides, the new commoner King can count on a realm where all such
contradictions are resolved... (which realm is this and how it resolves all
these contradictions? 2%; right bottom)
19. Federal prosecutors have prepared a "sealed indictment" against him.
(translate, 1%; left top)
20. At the same time, he has been lauded by Julian Assange, the founder of
WikiLeaks, as a member of the ""young, technically minded"" generation
""that Barack Obama betrayed."" (explain why these two parts are in
quotation marks, 1%; left top)
21. They see his leaks as a needed stand for individual freedom against the
security-driven mass sureillance of a U.S.National Security Agency armed
with the technology to gather and analyze the digital trails of our lives.
(translate, 3%; left top)
22. So what is Snowdon? (summarize the two possible answers in Chinese, 3%;
left middle)
23. I am not big on counterfactuals... (translate, 1%; left bottom)
24. ... nor how "it" has secretly acquired the phone records of...
(reference, 1%; left bottom)
25. ... and, in the process, (1) high-level "security clearance" (2) to
myriad folk who probably should not have it. (1. which word should precede
here immediately? 1%; 2. explain, 1%; right top)
26. In short, a long-overdue debate about what the U.S. government does and
does not do... (identify the main verb of this sentence, 1%; right middle)
27. ... the safeguards and oversight surrounding "it" and the Prism program
... (reference, 1%; right middle)
28. ... the United States has gone through a "Great Disorientation".
(explain in Chinese what the phrase means as well as its concrete details,
2%; right middle)
29. Guantanamo "made a mockey of due process". (translate, 1%; right middle)
30. "If anything" he has doubled-down... (definition, 1%; right bottom)
31. Still, he has performed a "critical" (1) "service" (2). (1. definition,
1%; 2. explain in Chinese what service is it? 1%; right bottom)

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