試題 :
A. XPS (10points)
1. (a) What are the factors causing 'chemical shift'? (b) What are the
information obtained from the chemical shift? You can give examples to explain
B. SPR (15points)
2. (a) Please name 3 key phases of a SPR sensorgram. (b) Please write down the
reaction rate equations for each using the reaction A+B<->AB ([A]: the
concentration of the analyte A, [B]: the concentration of the ligand B, [AB]:
concentration of the analyte-ligand complex as an example.
C. SEM & TEM (10points)
3. Please compare five points for SEM and TEM.
D. XRD (15points)
4. A student is studying the solid-state conversion reaction: A(s)->B(s),
based on X-ray diffraction analysis. For the XRD measurements, an internal
standard (IS) is always added into all the tested samples with the same weight
ratio. The following two simplified XRD spectra (X-ray wave-length: 15.418 nm)
are obtained from two reated samples; the first pattern is for completely
reacted sample, while the second sample is only partially reacted.
(a) if the B peak is located at 2theta=31 degree, what is d-spacing for the
crystal planes of this peak?
(b)determine the reaction conversion for the second sample.
(c) the IS peak has a FWHM of 0.05 degree, while that of the B peak has a FWHM
of 1.4 degree, estimate the average crystal size of the phase B in the
partially reacted sample.
E. CVD (15points)
5. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a technique for depositing thin films of
materials on substrates. The basic mechanism of CVD process can be described.
(a) During the convection step, what type of flow is favored?
(Laminat or Turbulent?)
(b) During the diffusion step, the driving force is due to the concentraion
gradient between the surface and the bulk flow. (True of False?)
(c) During the adsorption step, both physical adsorption and chemical
adsorption can happen. (True or False?)
(d) List three potential safety concerns associated with CVD process?
F. Thin Film Fabrication (15points)
6. Described three properties of thin film and the applications of such thin
film; for example,the chemical property of thin film makes them as gas sensor.
G. AFM/STM (20points)
7. Compare the five major differences between AFM, SEM and TEM.
8. Explain the following modes in AFM/STM and explain its workings in details.
(a) contact mode
(b) friction mode
(c) tapping mode
(d) STM mode
(e) force measurement plot in contact mode (including relative position
between tip and surface)
(f) force modulation