d3osef (阿嘉)
2014-06-01 21:19:05課程名稱︰經濟學原理與實習上
試題 :
1. The difference between accounting profit and economic profit relates to
(a) the manner in which revenues are defined.
(b) how total revenue is calculated.
(c) the manner in which costs are defined.
(d) the price of the good in the market.
2.Cold Duck Airlines flies between Tacoma and Portland. The company leases
planes on a year-long contract at a cost that averages $600 per flight. Other
costs (fuel, flight attendants, etc.) amount to $550 per flight. Currently,
Cold Duck’s revenues are $1,000 per flight. All prices and costs are
expected to continue at their present levels. If it wants to maximize profit,
Cold Duck Airlines should
(a) drop the flight immediately.
(b) continue the flight.
(c) continue flying until the lease expires and then drop the run.
(d) drop the flight now but renew the lease if conditions improve.
3.Joe’s Garage operates in a perfectly competitive market. At the point
where marginal cost equals marginal revenue, ATC = $20, AVC = $15, and the price per unit is $10. In this situation,
(a) Joe’s Garage will break even.
(b) Joe’s Garage will shut down immediately.
(c) Joe’s will lose money in the short run, but stay in business.
(d) the market price will fall in the short run.
4.The market price in a perfectly competitive industry in short-run equilibrium
is $3 and the minimum average cost for all firms is $2.50. In the long run,
we would expect an increase in
(a) each firm’s output.
(b) the number of firms.
(c) each firm’s profit.
(d) each firm’s average costs.
5.Most markets are not monopolies in the real world because
(a) firms usually face downward-sloping demand curves.
(b) supply curves slope upward.
(c) price is usually set equal to marginal cost by firms.
(d) there are reasonable substitutes for most goods.
6.Suppose potatoes were produced in Canada by many, many firms in perfect
competition. In Belgium, only one firm produces potatoes for the Belgium
market. Suppose further that for the competitive firms and the monopoly
minimum ATC is the same. We would expect that in Belgium the price of
potatoes is ____ and ___ potatoes are produced and sold than in Canada.
(a) higher; more
(b) lower; more
(c) higher; fewer
(d) lower; fewer
7.A monopolist that practices perfect price discrimination
(a) creates no deadweight loss.
(b) charges one group of buyers a higher price than another group, such as
offering a student discount.
(c) produces the same monopoly level of output as when a single price is
(d) charges some customers a price below marginal cost because costs are
covered by the high-priced buyers.
8.The cigarette industry consists of large firms that compete vigorously by
advertising heavily, which is directed at creating fantasy and image.
Economists would characterize this industry as
(a) perfectly competitive.
(b) monopolistically competitive.
(c) oligopoly.
(d) monopoly.
9.In the prisoner’s dilemma,
(a) the prisoners easily collude in order to achieve the best possible payoff
for both.
(b) only one player has a dominant strategy.
(c) playing the dominant strategy leads to a better payoff for one prisoner
than would jointly selecting a different strategy.
(d) each player has a dominant strategy.
10.Which of the following conditions distinguishes monopolistic competition
from perfect competition?
(a) number of sellers
(b) freedom of entry and exit
(c) small size firms
(d) differentiation of product
11.In the long run, freedom of entry into a market forces a ___ to charge a
price equal to average total cost, but average total cost exceeds its
minimum level.
(a) perfectly competitive firm
(b) monopolistically competitive firm
(c) oligopolistic firm
(d) pure monopoly
12.One of the reasons that Kodak and Fuji films advertise so much is that
(a) each hopes to create a natural monopoly.
(b) they are in a perfectly competitive industry where advertising is the
difference between economic and normal profits.
(c) they want to develop brand loyalty.
(d) they want to increase price elasticities of demand.
13.The imposition of tariffs and quotas on imported goods tends to cause the
(a) demand curve for domestic labor to shift to the right.
(b) demand curve for domestic labor to shift to the left.
(c) supply curve of domestic labor to shift to the right.
(d) supply curve of domestic labor to shift to the left.
14.Working in a slaughterhouse is much riskier than working in a bookstore.
As a result, we’d expect a difference in wages between the two jobs, which
is known as
(a) an efficiency wage.
(b) a compensating differential.
(c) a wage adjustment.
(d) a minimum wage.
15.The time spent by students in college
(a) leads to lower lifetime earnings because opportunity costs are high.
(b) is an investment in human capital.
(c) decreases human capital by lowering work experience.
(d) increases as the low-skilled wage rate rises.
2. (15分)
A公司出版Mankiw的教科書,並在B國和C國銷售。假設B國的需求是Qb = 1200 – 20P,
C國的需求是Qc = 600 – 30P,教科書的生產成本包括$1000的版權費,$3000的固定資
3. (15分)
假設獨占性競爭(monopolistic competition)市場中,廠商甲的長期及短期生產函數皆為
TC = 8 – 4Q + 2Q^2
(a) (4分)
短期時該廠商面對的需求函數為P = 20-6Q,試求其最適定價及產量。
(提示:此時MC = -4 + 4Q)
(b) (3分)
(c) (6分)
P = a – 6Q,請問在長期均衡時,a之值為何?廠商甲的定價、產量各是多少?
(d) (2分)
4. (15分)
若個別廠商生產稻米之生產函數為q=5K√L 其中K為資本量,L為勞動的雇用量。
(a) (4分)
短期時, 廠商的成本包括資本的顧並成本含勞動的變動成本,則廠商之平均成本 (AC)、
邊際成本 (MC) 各是什麼? (提示:先寫出短期時勞動和產量的關係,再代入成本函數中)
(b) (3分)
(c) (3分)
(d) (5分)
的利潤為何? 每家廠商的產量為何? 共有幾家廠商?